Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's Good to be Emperor...

I told you so

North Carolinas Govenor has been the first to voice my prediction from two years ago. She has suggested that we suspend elections for two years so "Congress can focus on the issues at hand". This is the first step in their total overthrow of the government to institute their particular brand of Progressive Socialism.This is where we take a lesson from history folks. Rome was doing fine until they granted the first Cesarship to Julius. He promised to return the power to the senate, which he never did, and Rome started on it's descent to depravity and ruin. You watch and hear my words. Obama is going to do something that he believes will force congress to grant him a ceasarship as well. He will attempt to stop the elections and become the "king" of this country. It's coming.

On to another subject, the more I hear from Herman Cain the more I like him. His 9-9-9 plan is excellent in my opinion. It's a FLAT TAX! Everyone pays the same thing. How much more fair can you get?! Plus, his analysis of the black community being brainwashed to vote democratic is spot on. As I said in an earlier post, they were freed from one form of slavery, by the republicans, only to be placed into another form of slavery (welfare), by the democrats. I'm going to keep researching him, but so far so good.

Friday, September 9, 2011

American Jobs Recovery - AJR Hmmmm

Something about the way Nancy Pelosi made me look this up tonight. She said "The Presidents American Jobs Recover will be a great thing." or something to that effect. It wasn't proper english. So for fun, I looked up the meaning. This comes from Google folks:

Grammar: word;When a good deed or action is done, a Muslim gets 'ajr' for doing it. Ajr (or ajur) is also known as thawab, and it is like a 'plus' point. 'Plus' points are compared to 'negative' (ithim) points when someone is judged by God after the person dies. If a person has more thawab than ithim then they will enter heaven.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it. This is not something that's been floating around the internet. I researched this myself tonight. Feel free to look it up.

No Beef for You!

In Ogden Utah a man is now facing charges... for butchering a cow. Really? I continually shake my head at these dolts that know nothing but the big city. Perhaps it's because I was raised in a rural community. I know where my beef comes from, and my eggs, and my chicken. I have raised chickens and have butchered them myself. Do I now face charges of murder? I wouldn't be surprised if I lived in St. Louis. Honestly, do city people believe that the beef fairy just drops packages of steaks in the grocery store each night? Eggs are laid by bunnies in open green pastures and chicken breast are grown in test tubes?

To top off today's outrage, Boston is now considering banning knives. Not just one specific type of knife. Not just a general length, you know, nothing over 2 feet long, but all knives. I'm going to laugh my ass off when every resteraunt in town starts serving oatmeal because that's all they can cook. Next time the lawmakers want a steak they will have to either use plasticware or go outside the city if they want to cut it up. Next they will ban all pointy objects. That would be OK though, because they will effectively banish their pointy headed selves and maybe some sanity would come back into government.