The comments made by the President’s Green Czar are beyond offensive. This man is a self avowed communist and has denounced America as evil. I do not want my tax dollars paying this man’s salary. If any of the Republican Party members had made such a comment as his in regards to the Democratic Party, they would have immediately been labeled as a racist and bigot. Well I am tired of giving this man a pass, just because he is black. I demand that you issue an immediate call for this man’s dismissal as well as an apology for his words to the Berkley energy meeting.
Not only is this man offensive to me, but under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States, this man’s position is illegal. If he is granted departmental power, such as directing the use of funds for Green Jobs, his position must be vetted and approved by Congress, otherwise his only actions can be to give the president advice. All of the President’s Czars are obviously in positions of power, not advisory. Congress needs to immediately demand that the President either establishes an appointment process with the approval of Congress or remove these Czar’s. This is not Russia!