Friday, October 7, 2011

Clueless protestors

The "Occupy" protesters really don't know why they are there.  When interviewed, one woman complained that she can buy McDonalds cheaper than Broccoli.  I don't know where she is buying her broccoli, but she needs to try Wal-Mart.  last time I looked it was about a buck a pound.  Others said they are there because they don't like companies.  Many of them admitted to being socialists or anarchists.  Others just said they were there to support their friends and it was a good time.

Let's assume for a moment that all their wishes came true.  That every bank that wasn't a credit union closed it's doors today forever.  That all the major shopping chains closed.  Where would they get their Starbucks?  I guess clothing wouldn't really matter, because they wouldn't have a job to dress for.  They wouldn't need their Louie Vuitton bags to carry their wallets, because money would become obsolete.  There would be mass famine, because all of the grocery stores would be closed and we are going into winter, so no crops could be grown.  Even if you did grow crops, you couldn't get them to market, because the car manufacturers are a large corp, and they would be gone.  We would return to an agrarian society, so I hope they like digging in the dirt.  You would have to defend your own property, because the police would be disbanded.  And don't plan on running out to buy bullets, remember, those evil corporations are all gone now, so no stores.  Oh, and that welfare check from the government.. useless, money means nothing now because we have moved back to a barter system. 

I wonder if these people ever sit down and really think about what would happen if they win?  Do they really want to lose all of our modern day conveniences and move back to living like the Amish and Mennonites do?  Driving our buggies down the ever deteriorating roads?  Cooking by candle light?  I don't think they really do.  What I think they really want is someone to hand them a huge chunk of cash on a silver platter so they can continue sitting around their Starbucks, surfing the net for a new cause to join, and complaining that the world doesn't understand.  I have to say that I agree with Herman Cain, if you aren't employed and you're not wealthy, blame yourself.  The mainstream media says that statement will be the end of Cain.  I think they are wrong.  I think it will be a rallying cry.  It points to the heart of the problem. The elitist attitude of the liberal left who won't take a job that they consider is beneath them and want the world handed to them on a silver platter.  They are a spoiled child who needs a good spanking and then some strong parental guidance.  But that is just my opinion.  What's yours?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Don't speak you mind or pay the price

Hank Williams Jr. has opinions, and like most rural/country folks, he is not afraid to share them.

I watched this interview live, and when he spoke his mind I told my husband, "They are going to crucify him".  Well, ESPN has done just that.  After so many years of having him do their monday night football opening, they have cancelled his contract because of what he said in the interview.

Judging by the over 3000 comments on the news story, I think ESPN may have just signed their death warrent.  Their ratings were already failing, now they have royally pissed off a large number of their audience.   They support Liberal Fascists like Madonna, and convicted Rapists like Mike Tyson and Kobe Bryant, drug dealing players like Michael Vick, and the plethora of other criminals that they have put on the field because they can catch a ball.  They continue their support of them, but fire one guy that has a differing opinion on politics?!!

Hank was right, Obama has done nothing but polarize our nation and brought us to the brink of war.  We let this sneak up on us folk.  The socialists have quietly infiltrated our great country and they are making their move to take over.  We need to stop this now.  I leave you today with a quote. 

"a government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."   - Gerald Ford

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's Good to be Emperor...

I told you so

North Carolinas Govenor has been the first to voice my prediction from two years ago. She has suggested that we suspend elections for two years so "Congress can focus on the issues at hand". This is the first step in their total overthrow of the government to institute their particular brand of Progressive Socialism.This is where we take a lesson from history folks. Rome was doing fine until they granted the first Cesarship to Julius. He promised to return the power to the senate, which he never did, and Rome started on it's descent to depravity and ruin. You watch and hear my words. Obama is going to do something that he believes will force congress to grant him a ceasarship as well. He will attempt to stop the elections and become the "king" of this country. It's coming.

On to another subject, the more I hear from Herman Cain the more I like him. His 9-9-9 plan is excellent in my opinion. It's a FLAT TAX! Everyone pays the same thing. How much more fair can you get?! Plus, his analysis of the black community being brainwashed to vote democratic is spot on. As I said in an earlier post, they were freed from one form of slavery, by the republicans, only to be placed into another form of slavery (welfare), by the democrats. I'm going to keep researching him, but so far so good.

Friday, September 9, 2011

American Jobs Recovery - AJR Hmmmm

Something about the way Nancy Pelosi made me look this up tonight. She said "The Presidents American Jobs Recover will be a great thing." or something to that effect. It wasn't proper english. So for fun, I looked up the meaning. This comes from Google folks:

Grammar: word;When a good deed or action is done, a Muslim gets 'ajr' for doing it. Ajr (or ajur) is also known as thawab, and it is like a 'plus' point. 'Plus' points are compared to 'negative' (ithim) points when someone is judged by God after the person dies. If a person has more thawab than ithim then they will enter heaven.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it. This is not something that's been floating around the internet. I researched this myself tonight. Feel free to look it up.

No Beef for You!

In Ogden Utah a man is now facing charges... for butchering a cow. Really? I continually shake my head at these dolts that know nothing but the big city. Perhaps it's because I was raised in a rural community. I know where my beef comes from, and my eggs, and my chicken. I have raised chickens and have butchered them myself. Do I now face charges of murder? I wouldn't be surprised if I lived in St. Louis. Honestly, do city people believe that the beef fairy just drops packages of steaks in the grocery store each night? Eggs are laid by bunnies in open green pastures and chicken breast are grown in test tubes?

To top off today's outrage, Boston is now considering banning knives. Not just one specific type of knife. Not just a general length, you know, nothing over 2 feet long, but all knives. I'm going to laugh my ass off when every resteraunt in town starts serving oatmeal because that's all they can cook. Next time the lawmakers want a steak they will have to either use plasticware or go outside the city if they want to cut it up. Next they will ban all pointy objects. That would be OK though, because they will effectively banish their pointy headed selves and maybe some sanity would come back into government.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fairness Doctrine Gone? I may faint!

The first decent thing has come out of the Obama administration in three years. The FCC has struck down the Fairness Doctrine rule! I cannot believe that he has allowed the FCC to throw away one of their base weapons against free speech, but I am so happy that they have. Of course I am suspicious, but for now .. rejoice.

I have to hand it to the libs, they figured out how to take a good thing, like diversity of opinion, and turn it into a weapon. They do this all over the place, and I think they learned it from the lawyers. One of the tricks of the legal world is called flooding. When you have to turn over a document due to the discovery process, and you don't want to, what you do is put it in the middle of about 10,000 other documents that are completely irrelevant and hope that they opposition team can't find the needle in the haystack.

They do the same thing with speech. If you want to put your viewpoint forward, that's fine, but you must include the other 10,000 viewpoints that are out there too. Hopefully your viewpoint gets lost in the shuffle. Now, we don't have to do that. Your voice can ring loud and true throughout the air, without the interferance of the other viewpoints. They can speak too, if they have the wherewithall to get up and do something.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Obama's Flock of .. Supporter

The Magical Misery Tour

Rainbows are out finally

Campaign Strategy

Practice makes perfect

No more Deportation for Illegals?!

I am not a racist, first and foremost, but I am a patriot. I believe in the sovereignty of our nation. I don't drag random strangers into our bedroom and I don't allow my husband to do so either, because I believe in the sanctity of our marriage. Same thing goes for both.

For years Obama has tried to get the Dream act past congress to no avail. He has said that he has no power to implement it. So how is it being implemented now? Through Big Sis herself. She has implemented a set of priorities that is in essence the Dream Act. They are not going to focus on implementing or deporting people who are attending school, in the military, or have primary care responsibilities to family members (Uh, does that mean mothers?).

WTF people?!! If someone doesn't jump on this and impeach this idiot it will be a travesty. He has ignored the constitution for the last three years. When is someone going to at the very least slap his hand!? This has nothing to do with his skin color, but everything to do with his socialist policies.

I make my prediction now. He is planning on winning the election by giving every illegal alien in this country amnesty just in time for them to register to vote. That is his strategy for winning over whomever the other side puts up. If we have eight more years of this guy there won't be an America anymore. We will either dissolve into Civil war or we will belong to China. Brush up on your Mandarin everyone.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Washington's farewell speech...

The main portion of the speech that I want to point out is below, paragraphs 16-18. Does this ring a bell with anyone else?!!! For the full speech you can visit

16 To the efficacy and permanency of your Union, a Government for the whole is indispensable. No alliances, however strict, between the parts can be an adequate substitute; they must inevitably experience the infractions and interruptions, which all alliances in all times have experienced. Sensible of this momentous truth, you have improved upon your first essay, by the adoption of a Constitution of Government better calculated than your former for an intimate Union, and for the efficacious management of your common concerns. This Government, the offspring of our own choice, uninfluenced and unawed, adopted upon full investigation and mature deliberation, completely free in its principles, in the distribution of its powers, uniting security with energy, and containing within itself a provision for its own amendment, has a just claim to your confidence and your support. Respect for its authority, compliance with its laws, acquiescence in its measures, are duties enjoined by the fundamental maxims of true Liberty. The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government. But the Constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all. The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish Government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established Government.
17 All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests.
18 However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Skewed View of the World

I have been flipping channels again, just to make sure I'm getting the complete picture and not falling into the "brainwashed" category by only watching one news channel. Let's see, here's the breakdown.

Five minutes on CNN - 1 story about CNN's streaming app on Ipad, 1 story on showgirls protesting hotel fees in vegas, and 1 story about toxic air and global warming.

Five minutes on Fox - 1 story on the Budget impass, 1 story on NASA's space program ending, 1 story on the Heatwave, 1 story on the boys in NY who are now sex offenders for mooning.

Hmm, showgirls vs. the debt crisis. Which one do I want to see? No wonder their ratings are lower than Mr. Rogers Reruns. So, no, I'm not really getting biased. CBS and ABC aren't on yet, so I will have to check in on them later today. But I really don't have high hopes for anything with much content. Keep checking your view and keep looking.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mom's Not Afraid, and neither am I

One of the dems finally broke ranks and told the truth. Social Security is solid through 2037. Obama is a liar and just trying to scare people. Well here's a news flash, IT AIN'T WORKING!!!! The older generation have been prepared for Social Security to dry up and the threat of witholding is not scaring them.

The Cut, Cap, and Balance bill that is currently being proposed is one of the more sensible things to come out of Washington in years. Of course the president will veto it. It makes him behave like a president instead of the spoiled child that he is. Keep drinking that coffee american and call your congress folks to tell them they better support this bill. Maybe if we get enough support behind this thing they will override Obama and make him take a time out.

Alan West and Sarah Palin, where are you? We need a strong leader. One of you needs to step up and take the challenge.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

McConnel is an IDIOT!!!

What the hell is Mitch McConnel thinking?! His proposal to give Obama a blank check on the debt ceiling is just about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. And it's not just Obama that I am concerned about. No president should have that much power, Democrat, Republican, or Tea Party. Those limits are in place for a reason, and we are seeing that reason right now. We are 14 TRILLION in debt!!! We have borrowed so much that we will NEVER pay it back. It's time to file for bankruptcy people. Let them default.

And don't start with the I'm young and I don't rely on Social Security BS. My mom is months from retiring. If we go broke then her retirement is shot, along with everyone elses. Here are the cold hard facts people, we have to get off the government tit. Social Security, Welfare, Medicare and Medicaid have been the Prozac of the nation for the past 75 years. It's time to wake up and get off our ass. Families need to pull together again and support our elders. Churches and communities need to support those that are in hard times like they used to do. Government needs to shrink down to handling the things they are supposed to handle and get their nose out of my food habits, religious beliefs, and LIGHT BULBS! (more on THAT later).

Those are not going to be popular statements, but doing the right thing isn't always easy and sometimes doesn't win you friends. But if you know what needs to be done, then you should have the guts to stand up and do it. I really hope the establishment is listening and bracing themselves for what is to come, because if they aren't, it's going to get ugly.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Confusion on Casey

You want to talk about a mixed bag of feelings, you have that when you look at Casey Anthony. I am outraged that this woman is walking free after killing her baby. Do I think she did it? You bet. However, at the same time I am happy that our justice system is still somewhat functional. The case has been tried in the media and Casey has been found guilty and would be in the execution chair right now if the mass majority had anything to do with it.

But, and here is the big but, the prosecution did not present a coherent enough case and the jury felt that they didn't present enough evidence. So the courts worked. Circumstantial evidence is not enough. The evidence did not come to a single, cohesive conclusion as to how this little girl died.

The saving grace of this is that Karma is a bitch. My prediction is that if this woman spends any time in prison she will not survive. If she is turned loose today, I don't think her chances are good either. The best hope she has for survival is to get the hell out of this country and go somewhere that no-one knows her. Bangkok perhaps. They have plenty of parties, depravity, and places to hide over there. But Karma is still a bitch, and she will eventually find you.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Our Jobs

Reality Is ....

The Obsolete Man

We watched "The Obsolete Man" rerun of the Twilight Zone this evening and I was struck by how similar the outrageous rhetoric that was being spewed by "The State" sounded just like what is coming from the liberal left these days. For more info on this episode, here's the wiki link: Episode 65, made in 1961. They strove for the outrageous, but I don't think they knew how close to the truth they were coming.

The state had proven that "there is no God" and had banned books. Possession of a bible was a capital offense. We are coming ever closer to this reality. They are working on "proving there is no god." part right now. You were a brainwashed sheep that followed the orders of the state or you were declared "obsolete" and "liquidated". And I swear to you, the speech given by the Chancellor could have come from Obama's lips on CNN just the other day.

Where did we lose our way in the past 40 years? My grandmothers generation obviously understood. I think my mom's generation, with their drugs and free love and rebellion, lost sight of their pride and patriotism. Now they are trying to tell us its wrong to be patriotic and celebrate the 4th of july. I encourage each of you to watch The Obsolete Man and make your own decisions.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Slavery Revised

I have been watching the Civil War series on PBS. The twisted version that we learned in school is almost unrecognizeable in the documentary. The civil war was NOT just because of slavery, but because of State's Rights. Slavery came in at the end and finally became the most famous point of contention.

So I got to thinking, and the question came to me, "How did the Democrats gain ownership of the freeing of the slaves?" The Democrats were against freeing the slaves. The Republicans were behind it. Lincoln was a Republican, not a Dem. At some point in the last 100 years, the Democrats have managed to convince the minority population that they are their saviors. All that is really happening is that they are being enslaved again. This time instead of using them to harvest the cotton, they are using them to harvest votes.

Minorities are being enslaved by the social welfare crack that the Dems and Libs are dealing out. By making them dependant on the ever present welfare dollar and free healthcare, the Dems are assured their vote, just like a dealer is assured a return visit by the local junkie.

So why aren't the Republicans fighting back? Well, in a way they are. It is my theory that the Republicans that are tired of the Wishy Washy leadership of the party have broken away to form the Tea Party. Just as the Whigs succumbed to the Republican Party, perhaps it's time the Republicans went the way of the Tea Party. We need to get back to the basic idea that you are there in public office to serve the public, not your own wallet or those of your buddies.

What do you think?

Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm Back!!! Now you know why you don't want to give him a killswitch

Ok, I took a break for a few months. I had to find a job and then get settled in. So here I am, back in full force with my opinions. If you have been paying attention in the last 24 hours, you know that Egypt is in the middle of a civil revolution. You also see why we should absoloutly NOT give ANYONE a killswitch for the internet.

Mubarik cut off the internet and text messaging in one fell swoop to try and quell any rebellion against his government. And Biden says he is not a dictator. Sure sounds like one to me. He is attempting to keep people from communicating with each other to organize a rebellion against his regieme. And this is what Obama wants us to give him.

I know that people say we are too big, he can't do it. What he can do it take out the internet backbones. That would effectively kill commerce, social networking, and communications. So what if you can still e-mail to the next town over. You can't move your money from your bank account in the next state to your hometown bank. You couldn't use your credit cards. And you couldn't coordinate protests. It's not just the Dem's that don't need this power, the Republicans don't need it either. Killing the internet is the same thing as killing free speech. Personally I think the idiots who proposed this measure should be brought up on treason charges!