Friday, October 7, 2011

Clueless protestors

The "Occupy" protesters really don't know why they are there.  When interviewed, one woman complained that she can buy McDonalds cheaper than Broccoli.  I don't know where she is buying her broccoli, but she needs to try Wal-Mart.  last time I looked it was about a buck a pound.  Others said they are there because they don't like companies.  Many of them admitted to being socialists or anarchists.  Others just said they were there to support their friends and it was a good time.

Let's assume for a moment that all their wishes came true.  That every bank that wasn't a credit union closed it's doors today forever.  That all the major shopping chains closed.  Where would they get their Starbucks?  I guess clothing wouldn't really matter, because they wouldn't have a job to dress for.  They wouldn't need their Louie Vuitton bags to carry their wallets, because money would become obsolete.  There would be mass famine, because all of the grocery stores would be closed and we are going into winter, so no crops could be grown.  Even if you did grow crops, you couldn't get them to market, because the car manufacturers are a large corp, and they would be gone.  We would return to an agrarian society, so I hope they like digging in the dirt.  You would have to defend your own property, because the police would be disbanded.  And don't plan on running out to buy bullets, remember, those evil corporations are all gone now, so no stores.  Oh, and that welfare check from the government.. useless, money means nothing now because we have moved back to a barter system. 

I wonder if these people ever sit down and really think about what would happen if they win?  Do they really want to lose all of our modern day conveniences and move back to living like the Amish and Mennonites do?  Driving our buggies down the ever deteriorating roads?  Cooking by candle light?  I don't think they really do.  What I think they really want is someone to hand them a huge chunk of cash on a silver platter so they can continue sitting around their Starbucks, surfing the net for a new cause to join, and complaining that the world doesn't understand.  I have to say that I agree with Herman Cain, if you aren't employed and you're not wealthy, blame yourself.  The mainstream media says that statement will be the end of Cain.  I think they are wrong.  I think it will be a rallying cry.  It points to the heart of the problem. The elitist attitude of the liberal left who won't take a job that they consider is beneath them and want the world handed to them on a silver platter.  They are a spoiled child who needs a good spanking and then some strong parental guidance.  But that is just my opinion.  What's yours?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Don't speak you mind or pay the price

Hank Williams Jr. has opinions, and like most rural/country folks, he is not afraid to share them.

I watched this interview live, and when he spoke his mind I told my husband, "They are going to crucify him".  Well, ESPN has done just that.  After so many years of having him do their monday night football opening, they have cancelled his contract because of what he said in the interview.

Judging by the over 3000 comments on the news story, I think ESPN may have just signed their death warrent.  Their ratings were already failing, now they have royally pissed off a large number of their audience.   They support Liberal Fascists like Madonna, and convicted Rapists like Mike Tyson and Kobe Bryant, drug dealing players like Michael Vick, and the plethora of other criminals that they have put on the field because they can catch a ball.  They continue their support of them, but fire one guy that has a differing opinion on politics?!!

Hank was right, Obama has done nothing but polarize our nation and brought us to the brink of war.  We let this sneak up on us folk.  The socialists have quietly infiltrated our great country and they are making their move to take over.  We need to stop this now.  I leave you today with a quote. 

"a government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."   - Gerald Ford