When did it become a crime to be successful? Who decides which companies get to be saved and which ones are on their own? I have been greatly disturbed by our government’s federal bailout of favorite companies this past week. The talk of socialism and the direction our country is heading in has made me do some serious thinking. I have never been one to be accused of keeping my opinions to myself, and I guess I’m too old to start now.
In my work for the State of Missouri I have to keep my political opinions to myself, but I am getting very tired of the Gestapo like atmosphere in the state offices. If you voice any opposition to the Democratic Party you are in serious danger of becoming a target and losing your job. So am I committing career suicide by writing this? Maybe, but I was brought up in a country where you were allowed to express your ideas and you had a right to your opinions, even if they did not match the opinion of your current boss. Anyway, I digress.
The question at hand, has there ever been a case of successful socialism? What did my grandfather and the men of his era fight and die for in WWII if our country turns to socialism. I cannot think of one successful case of socialism in history. The very concept of socialism punishes those who have a drive to succeed and rewards those who don’t. Eventually, the drive for success is beaten (metaphorically and spiritually, not literally) out of those who have the desire and they resort to just doing the minimum. My son has a term for these people that I think is VERY accurate. Socialism creates Sheeple. Sheeple are people who can be herded by our politicians to maintain their power and status.
I have a new puppy. This hypothesis can be proven very simply with him. When I give him a command to sit and then reward him when he does, he learns very quickly to sit. If I give him the command to sit and then take his toys away, he unlearns the command even faster. Now people are smarter than dogs (Sorry PETA, but I haven’t seen a dog build a rocket ship or do Brain Surgery yet), so I would expect this to happen much faster with them. My husband and I both have a strong desire to succeed. We are by no means wealthy. We manage our money and try to make smart business decisions so that we can do the things we love with our children. Hunting, fishing, and travels are all opportunities that I want to give my kids.
We took the money that could have been spent on sending them to camp to learn to be good little conformers, and instead went on a weeklong cruise that allowed our children to visit five countries. They got to see how other parts of the world live, and they came back with a greater appreciation for the privileges and conditions we have here in America. Did we go because we are rich… no. Did we go because we saved and paid for it outright…yes. So why is it that with our middle class income, our responsible money management, and our hard work, that we somehow fall into the Wealthy category and are taxed at 55% for our business and 45% for your personal? We make much less than the theoretical $250,000 per year that the Democrats talk about. I’m sorry, but Obama’s information about the tax brackets just doesn’t stand up to close examination.
It just doesn’t seem right to work until May (ALMOST HALF A YEAR PEOPLE), to pay the government for our taxes. I used to be a democrat, but in the past ten years, it seems like that party has been taken over by extremists. People who want to take away my hunting and rural heritage and want me to help support those who do not have the drive to do anything other than sit on welfare and suck the government tit. Don’t get me wrong, welfare can be a good thing. But not when you sit on it for decades! Helping a single mom out while she is between jobs and trying to provide for her family is one thing. Paying for a lazy welfare mom to pop out kid after kid so she can keep collecting a check is another.
Socialized medicine does not make sense to me either. The government can tear up a dirt road. (if you know that saying you know what I really wanted to say.) What the heck makes them think they can do a GOOD job with my healthcare?! The socialist direction our Democratic party is taking scares me.
The polarization of the people in our country scares me. The threats of civil war from extremist groups if we don’t elect the Democratic candidate scare me even more. The sense of entitlement that the Democratic Party has come to exhibit disturbs me even more. Nobody promised us happiness, just the pursuit of it!!!! Nobody OWES you a job! You have to go get it!!! Who lied to these people and told them that everything in America comes on a silver platter as you lounge on your pillows watching reality TV? I’m just so tired of it. There has to be a solution. These are my thoughts and fears. Nobody will read this probably, but I wonder, what are your thoughts?
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