Well, I haven't written in a few days because I've been laid up with some kind of virus. They assure me that since I haven't been to Mexico that it can't be the swine flu. Although my whole family caught it within 48 hours of one another and we are all hacking our heads off.
Calling it the Swine Flu isn't exactly right, however. Not because Napolitano refuses to call it that either. She refuses to call it terrorism, choosing to call it a "Man Caused Disaster". What a load of bull. Swine flu isn't exactly right because this mutation contains avian, human and swine elements. I should have bought a lottery ticket. Do you know what the odds of that combination happening in nature are? About a bazillion to one. (AKA bigger than Obama's budget.LOL)
Call me paranoid, but it seems to me that someone has been playing with their chemistry set. How convenient that this appeared just south of our border. That the first case and first death occurred in a Mexican child who was "visiting" relatives. Wonder how long he was visiting for? That's too catty. I apologize, but I am tired of no one paying attention to illegal immigrants crossing the border. It would be very convenient for the Muslim Militants to drop this virus in a Mexican population whom was known to be crossing the border. They don't care about the Mexican people and they know it will cross into the US with all the illegal immigrants. Obama refuses to close our border as long as potential voters are crossing. Would serve him and us right if my paranoia pans out. Him for not listening and us for voting the idiot in.
Even if this turns out to be a natural event, what does this show the terrorists? How easy it would be to bring panic to the US? How quickly they could bring on the Armegeddon that they so desire? Somebody better start paying attention before Stephan King's "The Stand" becomes reality.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Swine Flu, Natural or by design?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Liar Liar, Pants on Fire
Well Pelosi has the proverbial mammary gland in a ringer this time doesn't she. First she new nothing about the enhanced interogation, then she had heard of it but didn't know we were using it. Oh yeah, but she forgot that there were, not just one, but several, written records of her having been briefed extensively on the use of the enhanced interogation techniques. Not to mention the fact that she steered 25 million of the tarp funds to her husbands company. Or any of the other stunts she has pulled. Man it sucks when your own witch hunt bites you in the butt.
Obamas team seems to have a large problem with either their memory or their integrity. Our chief of homeland security put her foot in her mouth again today. So bad that CNN even reported on the call for her resignation. It was sandwiched between a story on an elephant getting lifted by a crane and some robins on the whitehouse lawn hatching. (What is with CNN and their animal stories? Did PETA take them over?)
The director of the IRS is a tax cheat, as well as several other members of the cabinet. He just can't seem to hang on to his folks. I don't dislike Obama because he's black. I dislike him because he is classic corrupt Chicago Politics in the white house mixed in with Socialist values. Maybe, like Pelosi, if we give him enough rope he will do like her and hang himself?
Obamas team seems to have a large problem with either their memory or their integrity. Our chief of homeland security put her foot in her mouth again today. So bad that CNN even reported on the call for her resignation. It was sandwiched between a story on an elephant getting lifted by a crane and some robins on the whitehouse lawn hatching. (What is with CNN and their animal stories? Did PETA take them over?)
The director of the IRS is a tax cheat, as well as several other members of the cabinet. He just can't seem to hang on to his folks. I don't dislike Obama because he's black. I dislike him because he is classic corrupt Chicago Politics in the white house mixed in with Socialist values. Maybe, like Pelosi, if we give him enough rope he will do like her and hang himself?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Gay Marriage. Hmmm, Why not?
Ok, I was raised southern Baptist. My upbringing told me that being gay was wrong. Course my religion also told me that I was going to hell for the sins of my mother and father. Argh! Bad memories. We won't go there. I have a panic attack every time I think about it.
Ok, so here is where I vary from the Republicans again. I don't think two men or two women should marry. Does that mean that I should prevent them? No, I don't think so. I also don't think it's right for the poligamy of the Mormons to be illegal. There are other religions and beliefs in this world than mine. Just because I don't think it's right doesn't mean I should prevent it from happening. I think that two men or two women should at the very least be afforded the privledge of having a civil union. If two people want to dedicate their lives to each other, more power to them. I have been married for twenty years this June and it was the best decision of my life. My husband and I are still very much in love. My life would be very empty without him. Why would I want to deny that joy to two other people? What they do in their bedroom is their business as long as they are over the age of consent. If a group of people of the same belief want to share their lives following their faith and their beliefs, let them. I have known both gays and mormons who are very good people and follow their hearts. The persecution they receive is very similar to the baloney that goes on over in Gaza. Let it go people.
So what if the thought of gay sex makes you ill. Seeing people eat chicken livers makes me ill. Should we outlaw that? Buck up and leave people alone. And if you tell me I'm not conservative because of that, well fine. My view on life is everyone should mind their own damn business and let the rest of us get on with our lives.
Ok, so here is where I vary from the Republicans again. I don't think two men or two women should marry. Does that mean that I should prevent them? No, I don't think so. I also don't think it's right for the poligamy of the Mormons to be illegal. There are other religions and beliefs in this world than mine. Just because I don't think it's right doesn't mean I should prevent it from happening. I think that two men or two women should at the very least be afforded the privledge of having a civil union. If two people want to dedicate their lives to each other, more power to them. I have been married for twenty years this June and it was the best decision of my life. My husband and I are still very much in love. My life would be very empty without him. Why would I want to deny that joy to two other people? What they do in their bedroom is their business as long as they are over the age of consent. If a group of people of the same belief want to share their lives following their faith and their beliefs, let them. I have known both gays and mormons who are very good people and follow their hearts. The persecution they receive is very similar to the baloney that goes on over in Gaza. Let it go people.
So what if the thought of gay sex makes you ill. Seeing people eat chicken livers makes me ill. Should we outlaw that? Buck up and leave people alone. And if you tell me I'm not conservative because of that, well fine. My view on life is everyone should mind their own damn business and let the rest of us get on with our lives.
The awful truth - War is Ugly
It seems to me that the left wing has this outrageous idea that war can somehow be a polite affair. Our current presidents about face on the potential prosecution of former administration officials falls right in line with this. They just don't get it. War is an ugly, dirty, nasty affair, as it well should be. The horrors of war should act as a deterrent to war in the first place. We should not treat war lightly or with casual indifference, but with a cautious attitude as a last resort.
The people of California should be most grateful because our "torture" of these killers prevented them from being hit. For all we know, they would be a smoking ruin without these techniques. The enemy certainly doesn't have any moral issue with cutting our peoples heads off while they scream. They have no problem raping women from their own people to gain information. I haven't seen that particular tactic in our military yet.
So let's look deeper. Why does President Obama want to out our interrogation techniques, stop the use of them, punish our officials who use them, and leave us open to more attacks? Some of my more paranoid friends say he wants us to get hit so he can use FEMA to suspend government and have a complete takeover. Others believe he wants us to get hit so he can use the opportunity to have a bigger power grab. And finally, there is the possibility that he is just that stupid. I think I fall somewhere in between my paranoid friends and the ones who think its a power grab. I think he does have a reason. Is it a messianic complex so he can appear the savior? I don't know what his reason is, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like it. I don't think any american lives should be lost because the left wants to make our country vulnerable.
The people of California should be most grateful because our "torture" of these killers prevented them from being hit. For all we know, they would be a smoking ruin without these techniques. The enemy certainly doesn't have any moral issue with cutting our peoples heads off while they scream. They have no problem raping women from their own people to gain information. I haven't seen that particular tactic in our military yet.
So let's look deeper. Why does President Obama want to out our interrogation techniques, stop the use of them, punish our officials who use them, and leave us open to more attacks? Some of my more paranoid friends say he wants us to get hit so he can use FEMA to suspend government and have a complete takeover. Others believe he wants us to get hit so he can use the opportunity to have a bigger power grab. And finally, there is the possibility that he is just that stupid. I think I fall somewhere in between my paranoid friends and the ones who think its a power grab. I think he does have a reason. Is it a messianic complex so he can appear the savior? I don't know what his reason is, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like it. I don't think any american lives should be lost because the left wants to make our country vulnerable.
terrorist attacks
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Why we should legalize Pot.
I do not smoke pot. I have not smoked pot. Even if they legalize it I most likely will not smoke pot. So why the heck do I want to legalize it? Because I watched my grandfather go through two very painful bouts of cancer before it claimed his life. Because I have watched people with glucoma go blind when it could have helped. And why the hell is it illegal anyway?
It's not a violent drug like cocaine or meth. You don't go crazy for it when you run out. People who smoke pot don't generally kill little old ladies for their jewelry so they can score another dime bag. People who smoke pot don't run around the neighborhood with a baseball bat killing the demons trying to eat their brains. They will sit naked in a beanbag eating cheetos. They will lay on the couch and laugh their ass off at something, we're not quite sure what, but something.
Pot on the whole is much less harmful than alcohol and more medicinally beneficial. It could have alleviated much of my grandpa's pain during chemo. It could have stimulated him appetite so that he didn't get down to 98 pounds.
And think of what it could do for the economy. We came out of the great depression by legalizing alcohol. The taxes generated off of it would pay off the Dems trillion dollar fiasco of a bailout. Thousands of new jobs would be created. The american farmer would be revitalized with a new cash crop. I would think all these old Dem Hippies would love to legalize pot. It would be a dream come true. We would instantly become the number one vacation spot in the world. So why would they not want to legalize it? Because it would fix the problems they have created? Because it would empower more people? Hmmm. It's time for a change. He promised change, so where is it. All I see is more of the same.
It's not a violent drug like cocaine or meth. You don't go crazy for it when you run out. People who smoke pot don't generally kill little old ladies for their jewelry so they can score another dime bag. People who smoke pot don't run around the neighborhood with a baseball bat killing the demons trying to eat their brains. They will sit naked in a beanbag eating cheetos. They will lay on the couch and laugh their ass off at something, we're not quite sure what, but something.
Pot on the whole is much less harmful than alcohol and more medicinally beneficial. It could have alleviated much of my grandpa's pain during chemo. It could have stimulated him appetite so that he didn't get down to 98 pounds.
And think of what it could do for the economy. We came out of the great depression by legalizing alcohol. The taxes generated off of it would pay off the Dems trillion dollar fiasco of a bailout. Thousands of new jobs would be created. The american farmer would be revitalized with a new cash crop. I would think all these old Dem Hippies would love to legalize pot. It would be a dream come true. We would instantly become the number one vacation spot in the world. So why would they not want to legalize it? Because it would fix the problems they have created? Because it would empower more people? Hmmm. It's time for a change. He promised change, so where is it. All I see is more of the same.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Janine, you ignorant $lut...
Yes, if you are old enough to recognize the reference to SNL original, your in my neck of the woods. I just finished watching that idiot Janine Garofalo. For someone who claims to be a "cerebral" and who likes to inflate her speech with "big words", she has resorted to one of the oldest fallacies of all times. She actually believes that conservatives have a smaller cerebellum than liberals. After doing a research paper on schizophrenia for my psych course, I can tell you that after extensive MRI studies, brain sizes do not split along political lines. As for all of us being "Ignorant Rednecks", I have to disagree.
Janine, you stupid bit*h. I'm one of those "Ignorant Rednecks" you hold so much disdain for. I graduated from school with a 4.0 and from college with a 3.78. I hold a masters degree in Computer Information Systems and am a certified Project Management Professional. I also have an IQ of 136, the last time I was tested. How high is your IQ Ms. Garofalo? You and your associates at MSNBC seemed to have quite the time with your puns on teabagging. Is that because you weren't smart enough to rise up out of the gutteral humor that you wallowed in?
For your continued information, Janine, I am not a racist. I happen to have several black friends, and guess what. They think you suck too!!!! I wonder who would score higher on a history test about the Boston Tea Party? You and your high and mighty friends who like to blow air up each others skirt tails and make yourself feel important while actually knowing very little about the history of this great nation and what our founding fathers stood for. Things like taxation without representation. Or those of us who showed up at the tea parties. Not by the tens, as you would have us believe, but by the thousands and millions across the nation. Those of us who feel like the politicians in Washington, regardless of race and color, are out for nothing but a power grab and are burdening our children with the debt of their mistakes. When politicians tax the people against the will of the people, for reasons that the people don't agree with, that is taxation without representation.
I don't care if President Obama is purple, you self loathing biggoted, wench. If anyone is racist it is you, for even thinking that race comes into play. Does that mean that Govenor Jindal is racist too? He's a conservative, and, oh yeah... he's Indian. Hmm, he must implicitly hate blacks as well, huh. You, Ms. Garofalo, are one of the most messed up individuals I have ever heard. Please, seek psychological help immediately. I'd pray for you, but I think you might disappear in a puff of smoke if I did. Like a vampire hit by the sun.
Janine, you stupid bit*h. I'm one of those "Ignorant Rednecks" you hold so much disdain for. I graduated from school with a 4.0 and from college with a 3.78. I hold a masters degree in Computer Information Systems and am a certified Project Management Professional. I also have an IQ of 136, the last time I was tested. How high is your IQ Ms. Garofalo? You and your associates at MSNBC seemed to have quite the time with your puns on teabagging. Is that because you weren't smart enough to rise up out of the gutteral humor that you wallowed in?
For your continued information, Janine, I am not a racist. I happen to have several black friends, and guess what. They think you suck too!!!! I wonder who would score higher on a history test about the Boston Tea Party? You and your high and mighty friends who like to blow air up each others skirt tails and make yourself feel important while actually knowing very little about the history of this great nation and what our founding fathers stood for. Things like taxation without representation. Or those of us who showed up at the tea parties. Not by the tens, as you would have us believe, but by the thousands and millions across the nation. Those of us who feel like the politicians in Washington, regardless of race and color, are out for nothing but a power grab and are burdening our children with the debt of their mistakes. When politicians tax the people against the will of the people, for reasons that the people don't agree with, that is taxation without representation.
I don't care if President Obama is purple, you self loathing biggoted, wench. If anyone is racist it is you, for even thinking that race comes into play. Does that mean that Govenor Jindal is racist too? He's a conservative, and, oh yeah... he's Indian. Hmm, he must implicitly hate blacks as well, huh. You, Ms. Garofalo, are one of the most messed up individuals I have ever heard. Please, seek psychological help immediately. I'd pray for you, but I think you might disappear in a puff of smoke if I did. Like a vampire hit by the sun.
idiotic left,
tea party,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tax Day Tea Partys Rock!
The tea parties across America had the largest turnout of any protest in US history. These are the kinds of domestic terrorist acts that us right wing conservatives perpetrate. Oooohhhh, we are so violent. An organized, civil protest with no riots and the innocuous use of Tea Bags. Lipton should thank us for the stimulus provided by the free market.
I again participated in my radio experiment. I had a long drive the 14th so I listened to CNN. For 45 minutes there was not one word of tax day or tea parties. Fox, NBC, ABC all had stories. On CNN they talked about the new dog at the white house and other human interest stories. Now MSNBC makes fun of the tea parties and calls everyone who participated tea baggers. CNN's reporters refuse to take a neutral stance and try to paint the participants as out of control. This just gets more Orwellian each day. But the turn out yesterday gives me some hope. Pelosi can make fun of us all she wants, but we voted her ass in, and we can vote her out. I am not a republican or a democrat. I am a libertarian. And I think more Americans are turning to this point of view every day. Perhaps this is the third party we need, if it can overcome the stigmas and be taken seriously.
I again participated in my radio experiment. I had a long drive the 14th so I listened to CNN. For 45 minutes there was not one word of tax day or tea parties. Fox, NBC, ABC all had stories. On CNN they talked about the new dog at the white house and other human interest stories. Now MSNBC makes fun of the tea parties and calls everyone who participated tea baggers. CNN's reporters refuse to take a neutral stance and try to paint the participants as out of control. This just gets more Orwellian each day. But the turn out yesterday gives me some hope. Pelosi can make fun of us all she wants, but we voted her ass in, and we can vote her out. I am not a republican or a democrat. I am a libertarian. And I think more Americans are turning to this point of view every day. Perhaps this is the third party we need, if it can overcome the stigmas and be taken seriously.
Grandma is a terrorist kids!
This is getting ridiculous. I am now classified a terrorist because I have an NRA sticker on my truck, I like to hunt, and I don't agree with the direction President Obama is taking our country. Oh yeah, I forgot, that makes me a biggot too.
Not only is my home state of Missouri producing these bull crap reports about profiling people who have non-mainstream bumper stickers and are conservative, now the Homeland Security people have produced a similar item? I have a theory as to why these a$$holes are painting vets as terrorists. They are afraid that the American people are going to get fed up with the socialist ideologies that they are ramming down our throats and will stage a revolution.
So, does this mean that I am now at the top of the FBI domestic terrorist list? Because I believe in Democracy and free speech? Then so be it. Watch out kids, we can't see Grandma any more. She's a terrorist.
Not only is my home state of Missouri producing these bull crap reports about profiling people who have non-mainstream bumper stickers and are conservative, now the Homeland Security people have produced a similar item? I have a theory as to why these a$$holes are painting vets as terrorists. They are afraid that the American people are going to get fed up with the socialist ideologies that they are ramming down our throats and will stage a revolution.
So, does this mean that I am now at the top of the FBI domestic terrorist list? Because I believe in Democracy and free speech? Then so be it. Watch out kids, we can't see Grandma any more. She's a terrorist.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
No longer a Christian Nation? What country does Obama live in?
In his speech in Turkey this week, President Obama stated "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.." What I want to know is where the heck does this man live? Last time I checked, in our small town of 300+ people we had one Catholic, one Luthern, and two baptist churches (one is four miles outside of town). There were no Mosques or Buddist shrines. There are no temples. We still put up Christmas Ornaments and no one has sued us yet.
And the slobbering media is feeding this idea. The articles about the downfall of Christianity in America and how God is dead. We have an attorney general nominee Harold Koh endorses Sharia law and the Democratic Sentators refuse to say that Sharia Law is barbaric and illegal in the United States.
So, what do we have here? First Obama nominates a man to be our top attorney who appreciates Sharia Law, a batch of coins are produced sans "In God We Trust" as a 'mistake', then he kisses the crotch of the Saudi King, then he travels all over Europe basically apologizing for the existence of the US for the last 200 years, and finally telling the Turks that we are not Christians anymore. So single handedly Obama has wiped Christianity in the US and has made buddies with Europe. OMG! Ooops. I forgot, we aren't Christian. Holy Ala! Why was I so blind? Following such a pagen god as god. Having the audacity to show my face in public and mingle with men. Why I should be stoned.
You think I jest, but if the sheeple of this nation do not wake up that is exactly where we will be. I would think that at least the liberal rights Women of this country would start to feel uncomfortable with all this crap. They are working up to undo 200 years of working towards women's rights. You will go back to being the chattle of your husbands with no voting rights. Your husband will be able to beat you at will or chop your head off if he pleases, like the TV Exec down in Florida. How loud do we have to scream before you idots wake up!????
And the slobbering media is feeding this idea. The articles about the downfall of Christianity in America and how God is dead. We have an attorney general nominee Harold Koh endorses Sharia law and the Democratic Sentators refuse to say that Sharia Law is barbaric and illegal in the United States.
So, what do we have here? First Obama nominates a man to be our top attorney who appreciates Sharia Law, a batch of coins are produced sans "In God We Trust" as a 'mistake', then he kisses the crotch of the Saudi King, then he travels all over Europe basically apologizing for the existence of the US for the last 200 years, and finally telling the Turks that we are not Christians anymore. So single handedly Obama has wiped Christianity in the US and has made buddies with Europe. OMG! Ooops. I forgot, we aren't Christian. Holy Ala! Why was I so blind? Following such a pagen god as god. Having the audacity to show my face in public and mingle with men. Why I should be stoned.
You think I jest, but if the sheeple of this nation do not wake up that is exactly where we will be. I would think that at least the liberal rights Women of this country would start to feel uncomfortable with all this crap. They are working up to undo 200 years of working towards women's rights. You will go back to being the chattle of your husbands with no voting rights. Your husband will be able to beat you at will or chop your head off if he pleases, like the TV Exec down in Florida. How loud do we have to scream before you idots wake up!????
I will NOT apologize for being American!
What is the deal? Why is Obama over seas in the first place. Europe doesn't vote in our elections. I don't give a hoot if Turkey likes us or not. Why the hell is he apologizing for America?! And why is he kissing the crotch of the Saudi King? Why isn't the mainstream slobbering media talking about that crap? Gee, I wonder. Wake up sheeple, or you will all be under Sharia law. Personally, I will get stoned to death before I wrap up in a black scarf from head to toe.
This is the essence of the guild ridden left wing that runs our nation. They are guilty that they are successful. They are self loathing that they have more freedom than anywhere else in the world. And they are doing all that they can to reverse this so they can alleviate that guilt. Well here's some advice for you suckers. GET A GD THERAPIST AND GET OVER IT.
I have been paying attention lately to all the people who say they didn't vote for him. It is overwhelmingly running 8 to 1. So my question is, how the hell did he get elected? I would be interested to know how many states where he won had a Democratic Secretary of State. I am not making any accusations, but it is an interesting question. I know how easy it would be for one IT person to skew the databases that handle the vote counts. I also know how easy it is for an SOS to skew the results by throwing out batches of votes that could swing it one way or another.
But I digress once again into how corrupt our government is. Back to the point. I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE for BEING AMERICAN!!!! I love my country and I love being an American. I do NOT love the direction our coutry is headed and I think we need to wake up and stop this crap. Go attend the tea parties. Organize protests so that McCaskill and her ilk know exactly how pissed off we are. Let them know that the Clinging Rednecks are fed up and won't take it anymore.
This is the essence of the guild ridden left wing that runs our nation. They are guilty that they are successful. They are self loathing that they have more freedom than anywhere else in the world. And they are doing all that they can to reverse this so they can alleviate that guilt. Well here's some advice for you suckers. GET A GD THERAPIST AND GET OVER IT.
I have been paying attention lately to all the people who say they didn't vote for him. It is overwhelmingly running 8 to 1. So my question is, how the hell did he get elected? I would be interested to know how many states where he won had a Democratic Secretary of State. I am not making any accusations, but it is an interesting question. I know how easy it would be for one IT person to skew the databases that handle the vote counts. I also know how easy it is for an SOS to skew the results by throwing out batches of votes that could swing it one way or another.
But I digress once again into how corrupt our government is. Back to the point. I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE for BEING AMERICAN!!!! I love my country and I love being an American. I do NOT love the direction our coutry is headed and I think we need to wake up and stop this crap. Go attend the tea parties. Organize protests so that McCaskill and her ilk know exactly how pissed off we are. Let them know that the Clinging Rednecks are fed up and won't take it anymore.
Senate Bill 773 - We lose the last frontier of free speech
What is Senate Bill 773? Well, here is the report from Computer World that explains it pretty well:
Link to Article
"April 6, 2009 (Computerworld) Two U.S. senators last week proposed legislation that would give federal officials new powers to create and enforce data security standards for key parts of the private sector — and even shut down systems in some cases.
The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 would empower the National Institute of Standards and Technology to set "measurable and auditable" security standards for all networks and systems run by federal agencies, government contractors and businesses that support critical infrastructure services.
NIST would also be charged with developing a standard for testing and accrediting software built by or for those groups. In addition, the bill would enable the president to order that critical infrastructure networks be disconnected in the event of cybersecurity emergencies or for reasons of national security.
The bill, which was introduced by Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), doesn't specifically define what would qualify as a critical network or system. "
So aside from owning the newspapers, having a slobbering mainstream media that lives off the mayhem our president creates, he and his supporters want to control our last bastion of truly free speech. I urge you to contact your Senator and tell them to vote against SB-773. Big Brothers reach is expanding. We need to maintain our freedom
Link to Article
"April 6, 2009 (Computerworld) Two U.S. senators last week proposed legislation that would give federal officials new powers to create and enforce data security standards for key parts of the private sector — and even shut down systems in some cases.
The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 would empower the National Institute of Standards and Technology to set "measurable and auditable" security standards for all networks and systems run by federal agencies, government contractors and businesses that support critical infrastructure services.
NIST would also be charged with developing a standard for testing and accrediting software built by or for those groups. In addition, the bill would enable the president to order that critical infrastructure networks be disconnected in the event of cybersecurity emergencies or for reasons of national security.
The bill, which was introduced by Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), doesn't specifically define what would qualify as a critical network or system. "
So aside from owning the newspapers, having a slobbering mainstream media that lives off the mayhem our president creates, he and his supporters want to control our last bastion of truly free speech. I urge you to contact your Senator and tell them to vote against SB-773. Big Brothers reach is expanding. We need to maintain our freedom
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I need a new party
Most Republicans believe that Democrats are corrupt. Most Democrats believe that Republicans are corrupt. Most general folks that I know sit in the middle and say "It doesn't matter, they are both corrupt." I believe that we need a new party in this mix.
I am a conservative with some very strong opposition to some of the key values of the Republican party. For one thing, even though my choice would be to never have an abortion, I don't think the government has the right to make that decision for everyone. This is in harsh contrast to the traditional Republican views. My personal experiences have shaped my views on this. A friend who was raped by a boy on the second date and was denied an abortion because she was under 18 shaped this opinion. She had the child and gave it up for adoption because she couldn't deal with seeing that reminder every day. She regretted giving that child up every day and did not seek the child back because she could not stand the reminder. No one deserves that. Two lives were ruined by that one refusal.
I also don't agree with the denial of the marriage right for gays. What really ticks me off is the people who cloak it in religious morality. They only reason they don't allow gays to marry is because of monetary reasons. Insurance companies have lobbied long and hard because they don't want to pay out on claims. They don't give a hoot about religious morality, just their bottom line. The government doesn't like it either because the majority of these couples cannot or do not adopt children to inherit the property. So where does it go? I'm guessing it goes to the government enough of the time to make an impact. I need to do more research on that, but I suspect it's a factor.
Before I make this next point I want to stress the following. I do not do drugs, except for the occasional glass of wine and the cigarettes I smoke. I do not advocate doing drugs. But I am also not stupid enough to think that there people out there who do not do drugs. Our forefathers believed in the individuals right to ruin their lives if that is what they wanted to do. How they accomplished that was up to them. If they chose drink or drug, that was their business. I think we should go back to that fundamental. Therefore I would support the legalization of marijuana. The medical benefits of marijuana alone should legalize it for cancer patients. If my grandfather would have had access to medical mariujana, his last months of life would have been much easier as the cancer took him. The other reason to support it would be the tax benefits we could reap. We came out of the great depression by repealing prohibition. Imagine what we could do with the revenue off the legalization of pot. Of course the response to this is always "So are you going to legalize Meth and Coke too?" The answer is no. Pot mellows people out. I challenge one person to give me an example of violent crime committed by a pothead. Coke and Meth affect people in a way that makes them become violent. Pot makes you lay on the couch and eat Doritos. So there is my third strike for the Republican party.
My big point is that I think the government should butt the hell out of my life. If I want to drink a beer while mowing my lawn I shouldn't receive a DUI. If I want to own guns, get off my case. If I am raped and I don't want to bear the fruit of that violation, I have should have the right to seek an abortion. I don't want to work from January 1 through the 15th of May to pay my taxes. I do want to be able to work and make a good salary without giving it to generational welfare cases simply because I have enough wherewithall to get off my ass and work.
So here is my proposal. Let's start a new party. Lets call it the Foundation party, because it is based on the values and ideals of our founding fathers. Our planks are that government gets the hell out of our lives. States go back to being the driving governance of the land. Taxes are reduced or eliminated. Guns are legal, the constitution is strictly adhered to, and we go back to being the strong America we grew up in. Not this wussy state that the children of the 60's with their free love and communes and ivory tower ideals have left us with.
But that is just my opinion. What's yours?
I am a conservative with some very strong opposition to some of the key values of the Republican party. For one thing, even though my choice would be to never have an abortion, I don't think the government has the right to make that decision for everyone. This is in harsh contrast to the traditional Republican views. My personal experiences have shaped my views on this. A friend who was raped by a boy on the second date and was denied an abortion because she was under 18 shaped this opinion. She had the child and gave it up for adoption because she couldn't deal with seeing that reminder every day. She regretted giving that child up every day and did not seek the child back because she could not stand the reminder. No one deserves that. Two lives were ruined by that one refusal.
I also don't agree with the denial of the marriage right for gays. What really ticks me off is the people who cloak it in religious morality. They only reason they don't allow gays to marry is because of monetary reasons. Insurance companies have lobbied long and hard because they don't want to pay out on claims. They don't give a hoot about religious morality, just their bottom line. The government doesn't like it either because the majority of these couples cannot or do not adopt children to inherit the property. So where does it go? I'm guessing it goes to the government enough of the time to make an impact. I need to do more research on that, but I suspect it's a factor.
Before I make this next point I want to stress the following. I do not do drugs, except for the occasional glass of wine and the cigarettes I smoke. I do not advocate doing drugs. But I am also not stupid enough to think that there people out there who do not do drugs. Our forefathers believed in the individuals right to ruin their lives if that is what they wanted to do. How they accomplished that was up to them. If they chose drink or drug, that was their business. I think we should go back to that fundamental. Therefore I would support the legalization of marijuana. The medical benefits of marijuana alone should legalize it for cancer patients. If my grandfather would have had access to medical mariujana, his last months of life would have been much easier as the cancer took him. The other reason to support it would be the tax benefits we could reap. We came out of the great depression by repealing prohibition. Imagine what we could do with the revenue off the legalization of pot. Of course the response to this is always "So are you going to legalize Meth and Coke too?" The answer is no. Pot mellows people out. I challenge one person to give me an example of violent crime committed by a pothead. Coke and Meth affect people in a way that makes them become violent. Pot makes you lay on the couch and eat Doritos. So there is my third strike for the Republican party.
My big point is that I think the government should butt the hell out of my life. If I want to drink a beer while mowing my lawn I shouldn't receive a DUI. If I want to own guns, get off my case. If I am raped and I don't want to bear the fruit of that violation, I have should have the right to seek an abortion. I don't want to work from January 1 through the 15th of May to pay my taxes. I do want to be able to work and make a good salary without giving it to generational welfare cases simply because I have enough wherewithall to get off my ass and work.
So here is my proposal. Let's start a new party. Lets call it the Foundation party, because it is based on the values and ideals of our founding fathers. Our planks are that government gets the hell out of our lives. States go back to being the driving governance of the land. Taxes are reduced or eliminated. Guns are legal, the constitution is strictly adhered to, and we go back to being the strong America we grew up in. Not this wussy state that the children of the 60's with their free love and communes and ivory tower ideals have left us with.
But that is just my opinion. What's yours?
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