Thursday, April 29, 2010

What do you know, a law that actually works!

According to the Associated Press (r), Illegal Immigrants are leaving Arizona by the drove. 

Texas is now considering passing the same law.  I would say that they need it based on the illegal immigrant's statement in the storey.  They are running like rats from a sinking ship.  New Mexico and Texas better jump on the band wagon pronto if they don't want to get over run.

Now don't go thinking that I am anti hispanic.  Far from it.  One of my favorite places to be is down in Mexico.  I also think that we should reform the way that a person can become a US Citizen.  These folks make broke look rich.  Currently, one of my indian co-workers is trying to get his citizenship.  He told me by the time it's all through it's going to cost him $10,000.00.  Another one who received his citizenship a couple of years ago confirmed this.  I can't imagine that the process is that much different from a Mexican citizen trying to immigrate.  That's a joke for them.  They come here because they cannot afford to live in Mexico.  They might see $10,000.00 in a year, they sure as heck can't pay that to come here legally.  We need to make it cheaper so they have an option to follow the rules.

I don't blame them for sneaking in, but it's still wrong.  They made the decision to sneak in and they know the consequences if they get caught.  It's all about responsibility.  I know that word is anathema to our politicians, but it's very appropriate.  I support Arizona, and Texas too, for making those idiots in Washington be responsible for their irresponsibility. 

Clean em out in November guys!

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