How long is the Obama administration going to contiunue to blame the Bush administration for all their problems? This is like a little kid throwing a tantrum for WAY too long. Biden is again blaming Bush for the economic woes of the American public. I would like to know exactly when this ceases to be the old administrations problem and becomes their problem.
Now they are reviving the public option for Healthcare. Did they finally realize that every employer is going to drop healthcare coverage in favor of the lesser penalty tax? And they are pushing the carbon tax BS. Talk about killing jobs. That little puppy is going to do more to kill jobs than anything Bush I or Bush II ever did.
The reason for my absence has been the frantic job search I have been doing for the past month. I have applied for unemployment and that is such a joke. I am going to get the maximum allowed. A whole 320.00/week. That won't even make my house payment! Much less feed four people and pay the electric. Jobs is what this butt head needs to be focused on. How to create them, not kill them!