Monday, March 22, 2010

Liberals just don't get it

I have spent a big portion of the day on a local paper site "discussing" the legislation that was passed yesterday. The liberals just don't get it. They think that their insurance rates are going to stay the same. They really believe that they are going to be able to get in to see their doctor whenever they want to. Or that all the things that are covered now are going to be covered in the future. They don't think this legislation is going to fund abortions or exclude people with pre-existing conditions. And worst of all, they think the Presidents promise to sign and Executive Order will have any standing.

I urge anyone who reads this blog to download the text of the healthcare bill and read it. It's double spaced and won't even take that long. The contents of the bill are just frightening. They will have direct access to your checking account. They can force you to take out coverage. Pre-existing conditions can legally be charged at a rate of 3 to 1 for a premium (E.G. you pay $200 per month and I pay $600 per month) Smokers can be charged half of the premium rate again. (So now we are up to $900 per month.)

The insurance industry is doomed. All of the rates are going to go up dramatically. The quality of care is going to plummet. And some bureaucrat in Washington is going to decide if I live or die.

The worst travesty, however, is that the constitution has been shredded by this administration. There are currently 11 states filing law suits protesting this expansion of power. Many more are close behind. If ever there was a case for session, this is it. The next joyful thing that we will be presented with is Amnesty for the illegals. This will make sure the United Socialist Progressive Party (AKA the DNC) will get re-elected. Then we will be hit with Cap and Tax. That will finally bring the economy crashing down around us and give Obama the excuse he needs to institute martial law while he takes over. This is all such crap. Old glory is tattered and worn and tired of being tread upon. Let's bring back out the snake who says "Don't tread on me." Let's take our country back.

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