Well, the 15th of this month the new Healthcare Law went into effect. This law stated that healthcare could not be denied based on pre-existing conditions. Here's the caveat - it only applied to persons 19 years old or younger. So, for a diabetic person over the age of 19, they are still free to deny us coverage. And what was the answer to this law going into effect? I was told today that the insurance companies have cancelled all of their Child Only policies and are not carrying that coverage any more. ROFLMAO Did he really think he could corner them that way? HA HA HA.
So what has brought this on? I am royally screwed again. As a diabetic who takes insulin, I am an automatic decline for any insurance policy. I am considering taking a new position, but the monthly premiums are, hold onto your hats, $988.54 per month for a family policy. Yes, $1000/month, or $12,000/year. And add a $3000 dollar deductible to that which doesn't cover doctor visits or meds. So I started looking at Private Health Insurance costs to see if I could find it cheaper. That's where I found out that because they put me on insulin I am now completely uninsurable. When I was on oral meds they would exclude me for a year and then cover me. Now they won't even bother talking to me.
Oh, but that is not the best part. Because I can't get private insurance... and because the new Healthcare Law has done away with Child Only policies, I can't get insurance for either of my children now as well. They won't cover me, and my boys can't get insurance unless they are on my policy! Is that really what you meant to do Mr. Obama? Really?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Muslim, Jew, Wiccan. Come on Glenn, it doesn't matter.
Ok, there is some scuttlebutt out there about O'Donnell being a witch. That's not what she said, but even if it was.... So What! Glenn, I love you man, but you can't switch sides on this. If you truly belive that all religions are to be tolerated and respected, the ancient craft of Wicca has to be included in that circle. You can't say "Ok, only the major religions get to play.", you take them all or you take none. If you take none, then you are just as bad as the Muslim extremists.
If you follow that road, half the people I work with would be kicked out of the country, including myself. We've all played D&D and enjoyed the hell out of it. Everyone of us wished that we could cast a spell and get that hot chick or guy, get a better job, bring fortune upon ourselves. Prayer is really the same process psychologically. A prayer is just a plea for a higher being (god, allah, etc.) to cast the spell for us. At least that is how I look at it. You are free to disagree. That's what is so great about our country.
So, my opinion, who gives a crap if she is wiccan, baptist, catholic, muslim, jewish, hindu, or daoist? Does she want smaller government? Does she support lower taxes? Will she think outside the box on Social Security, Welfare, and other entitlement programs? Those are the questions that I care about. She can sacrifice all the chickens in her back yard that she wants to (But that's not Wiccan. That's Santa Ria.) as long as she votes the right way on the important issues.
If you follow that road, half the people I work with would be kicked out of the country, including myself. We've all played D&D and enjoyed the hell out of it. Everyone of us wished that we could cast a spell and get that hot chick or guy, get a better job, bring fortune upon ourselves. Prayer is really the same process psychologically. A prayer is just a plea for a higher being (god, allah, etc.) to cast the spell for us. At least that is how I look at it. You are free to disagree. That's what is so great about our country.
So, my opinion, who gives a crap if she is wiccan, baptist, catholic, muslim, jewish, hindu, or daoist? Does she want smaller government? Does she support lower taxes? Will she think outside the box on Social Security, Welfare, and other entitlement programs? Those are the questions that I care about. She can sacrifice all the chickens in her back yard that she wants to (But that's not Wiccan. That's Santa Ria.) as long as she votes the right way on the important issues.
Monday, September 20, 2010
What if global warmer were real....
Ok, I'm going out on a limb here, but I do have a point. First, you need to understand a couple of scientific terms. One is albedo. This is the term for the amount of reflectivity of the earths surface, or, if you think about it, how much of the sun's heat gets soaked up. The other is heat island. This is the abnormally inflated temperatures that surround a city due to the amount of concrete and asphalt in that city which retain the heat at night.
They say that global warming started increasing when cars started spewing CO2 out into the atmosphere. But, that is also when the world started to get paved roads. The albedo of asphalt is .04, while the albedo of light colored soil (gravel roads) of .40. That is a 36% increase in reflectivity from asphalt to gravel. That means that the asphalt is storing a lot more heat.
As the number of cars grew, so did the number of roads. The percentage of the earth's crust that was covered, not just with roads, but also parking lots and city buildings, increased dramatically over the next 50 years. Then you start hearing about global warming, or the more PC term now of global climate change. Scientists have assumed that it was due to greenhouse gasses, but what if that is not the case. What if, like spontaneous generation (you know, where they thought rotting meat produced flies spontaneously), they have been chasing a fable. What if global warming exists, but because of the amount of heat absorbing asphalt that we have paved the earth with? The correlation between surface area paved and heat islands, corresponds to the number of cars on the road, population center sizes, and the so called global warming.
Hmm, that wouldn't be a very popular idea. There isn't nearly the same amount of money to be made in ripping the roads out. And your tax payers would get cranky, riding on all those rough roads. But, why hasn't this option been considered? Think about it a bit. I bet the answer comes to you.
Guard the Change and Deny the Negative Ads
BHO has now appealed to the black population to "Guard the Change" that he is bringing. Why doesn't he appeal to everyone? I'm sure there are alot of libs that are white, hispanic, etc. Why just the blacks? Because this is code for nothing more than reparations. He wants to get them fired up with the promises of payback for what happened 100 years ago to their great grandparents. Like the black panthers, they won't be happy until the roles are reversed and blacks can own whites as slaves for a couple hundred years. When do you let it go folks? I never owned slaves. Neither did my grandparents, or their parents, or theirs before them. When do you let the past lay?
Now they also claim that they are not considering a negative ad campaign against the tea party. Bullcrap! That's all they do. The tea party scares the hell out of these guys so the belittle and marginalize it at every opportunity. Keep it up partiers!
Now they also claim that they are not considering a negative ad campaign against the tea party. Bullcrap! That's all they do. The tea party scares the hell out of these guys so the belittle and marginalize it at every opportunity. Keep it up partiers!
Friday, September 17, 2010
1.2 Millon per Job Created in LA
That's right. LA got $111 million in stimulus funds and then only created or RETAINED 55 jobs. The cost? $1.2 million per job! Ok, these guys that were "Created or Retained", which is a bogus number to begin with, are only getting paid at most $50,000/year. Thats a total of 2.7 million dollars. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE OTHER $108.2 MILLION?!!!!
All this stimulus spending has done is bloat an already lethargic and useless government. Here's an idea to boost the economy. Don't give our money to the frigging government agencies! Take that $111 million and give it to small businesses, tax free! See how many people I could hire with a $1 million dollar check from the government! Hell, give 222 small businesses $500,000 dollars and see what they can do with it. I would lay odds that alot more than 55 measly jobs would be created, not just retained.
Government is a stupid beast that should only be let out of it's cage on a tight leash. The mindset of the American public needs to revert from the gimme era back to the "No thanks, I don't want to go on the county." era. People need to start doing for themselves instead of being lazy and asking the government to take care of them. It's time to take our country back folks.
All this stimulus spending has done is bloat an already lethargic and useless government. Here's an idea to boost the economy. Don't give our money to the frigging government agencies! Take that $111 million and give it to small businesses, tax free! See how many people I could hire with a $1 million dollar check from the government! Hell, give 222 small businesses $500,000 dollars and see what they can do with it. I would lay odds that alot more than 55 measly jobs would be created, not just retained.
Government is a stupid beast that should only be let out of it's cage on a tight leash. The mindset of the American public needs to revert from the gimme era back to the "No thanks, I don't want to go on the county." era. People need to start doing for themselves instead of being lazy and asking the government to take care of them. It's time to take our country back folks.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Guess who's washing their winky with your tax dollars
Want to know where $800,000.00 of your tax dollars went in the stimulus give away? Probably not, it made me sick. Read the article here first: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/75198
That's right. The National Institute of Mental Health "spent $823,200 of economic stimulus funds in 2009 on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex."(see link)
Over 3/4 of a million dollars teaching Africans to wash their winky! Dr. Coates contracted aides over 20 years ago and is a leader in the field of Aides research, but I will not back down from my stance on this. This should have been a privately funded study, not a government funded one. Why didn't he get private funding? Because nobody wants to pay to teach someone how to wash their dick! Good lord, do you have to teach them how to wipe their butt too? Do you know how many homes for the homeless you could have put up with that money? How many repos you could have bought and put homeless people into, thereby stimulating both the economy and the real estate market!?
This is ridiculous folks and it's just another example of our socialistic government. They have trained people to play the system and rely on government to give them money. I'm sure Dr. Coates is dedicated to his studies, but I don't have to support those studies. Government subsidies of research need to be done away with. Let them go back to doing it the old fashioned way, begging! The free market choose what was a good idea and what wasn't. I guarantee, if this is a good idea, some health insurance company would have paid for the study, because it would reduce their cost of operations!
The socialist democrats of America don't believe in the free market though, so they fund this crap, and this is what we get. $800,000 spent to teach Africans how to wash their dick!
That's right. The National Institute of Mental Health "spent $823,200 of economic stimulus funds in 2009 on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex."(see link)
Over 3/4 of a million dollars teaching Africans to wash their winky! Dr. Coates contracted aides over 20 years ago and is a leader in the field of Aides research, but I will not back down from my stance on this. This should have been a privately funded study, not a government funded one. Why didn't he get private funding? Because nobody wants to pay to teach someone how to wash their dick! Good lord, do you have to teach them how to wipe their butt too? Do you know how many homes for the homeless you could have put up with that money? How many repos you could have bought and put homeless people into, thereby stimulating both the economy and the real estate market!?
This is ridiculous folks and it's just another example of our socialistic government. They have trained people to play the system and rely on government to give them money. I'm sure Dr. Coates is dedicated to his studies, but I don't have to support those studies. Government subsidies of research need to be done away with. Let them go back to doing it the old fashioned way, begging! The free market choose what was a good idea and what wasn't. I guarantee, if this is a good idea, some health insurance company would have paid for the study, because it would reduce their cost of operations!
The socialist democrats of America don't believe in the free market though, so they fund this crap, and this is what we get. $800,000 spent to teach Africans how to wash their dick!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
How do you know when Obama is Lying? His lips are moving!
I listened to BHO in Ohio while I was at lunch today. This man is so full of bull. He was touting about how he believed in free enterprise, and how he thought the small businesses were the backbone of America. He didn't believe in a big government, but a lean and trim one that let people "do whatever they want to, unless it hurts others." I almost gagged when he said "That's the Democrat standpoint and always has been." SINCE WHEN?!
I then almost peed myself when he started on his 'I was born a poor black chile' routine (sans place of birth, of course). Oh, and Michelle was born a poor black chile too. With her poor crippled father. It's funny that they never mention his MS until after BHO is elected president. I have done some research online and can only find mention of this condition in articles after the election. Odd. Anyway, the "I come from the masses" just doesn't cut it. Michelle was born to a middle class family that lived in a nice suburban home, not in the ghetto and a one bedroom apartment. BHO was born to an anthropologist who married one of the men she was studying. She divorced him and married a diplomat, so this vision of BHO growing up with a poor white single mother doesnt exactly cut it either.
He went on to tout every plank in the Republican platform in regards to reigning in spending, reducing the size of government, and letting the free market reign. In the next breath he then says that we were all deceived by the belief that the free market could ever work. He believes that people should be able to make thier own decisions, "Except when government can do it better for them." That part sent chills down my spine. What exactly does he think government can do better for me than I can do for myself?
His message is so mixed that you can't follow it. He spouts off what the consultants have told him to say, but then the real BHO comes out and you can see the socialistic/marxist in him peeping through. He blames it all on Bush and the wars, when he spent more in the last 18 months that George did in 8 years. This man is frightening. What is even more frightening are the sheep sitting in the crowd, orgasmically clapping and cheering every time he finishes one of his perfectly timed pauses. God help us all.
Koran Burning - What a Moron!
Rev. Terry Jones in Gainesville, FLA. is planning on burning the Koran this Saturday to commemorate the anniverssary of the 9/11 bombings. I believe his intentions are in the right place, but he is taking a very WRONG way to make himself heard.
"How much do we back down? How many times do we back down?" Jones told the AP. "Instead of us backing down, maybe it's time to stand up. Maybe it's time to send a message to radical Islam that we will not tolerate their behavior."
We do need to stand up to the Radical Islamic Terrorists. But burning the Koran is NOT the way. We may as well start burning the Bible to protest the idiots at West Borough Baptist Church! These people do what they do in the name of Christianity. They are just as bad as the terrorists.
Rev. Jones needs to learn how to seperate the religion from the radicals. We don't burn the bible because of West Borough. We should not burn the Koran because of Terrorists. Islam is not the problem. Christianity is not the problem. The problems are the idiots who are radicalized. Punish the offender, not those around them. I have friends who are Muslim and they resemble the radicalized idiots in Iran about as much as a sow resembles a fine quarterhorse. They both have four legs, but one is alot nicer to be around and doesn't stink.
Rev. Jones, If you read this I would ask you to change your mind. Find another way to tell our government that we need to stand up to the radicals, but don't punish those who don't deserve it.
Friday, September 3, 2010
We're Headed In What Direction?!
Obama is the ultimate spin master. Horrible job news came out today and he says we are headed in the right direction? What, if we want to become a third world country, maybe. He had his Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis, spewing a bunch of BS about "There are Jobs out there!" Where?! If you can fight with the fortune 500 execs and kick their old man butts you might get the job flipping burgers at Mickey D's. Maybe you can displace Juan in the fields, picking fruit. I know that's where I thought I would end up after my Masters Degree. (Where is that silly sarcasm button again?)
She states: ..."more than a year ago, when the economy was losing a staggering 800,000 jobs a month"... and goes on to say "During the past eight months, the economy has averaged 95,000 new private sector jobs." WHAT?!?! Ok, 8 months at 800,000 jobs a month is 6,400,000. She says " The Recovery Act saved millions of American jobs " Then says it's only 95,000 jobs! Um, correct my math, but that is a net loss of 6,305,000. Those 95,000 jobs saved by the 1.3 Trillion dollar Stimulus package only cost our country $13,684,210.53 each. Hell, you could have paid each of those people like they won the lottery and done better. What a crock!
So just exactly what direction are we headed in Mr. President? The right direction?! You have GOT to be KIDDING ME! Please don't tell me you think I'm that stupid. Please.
She states: ..."more than a year ago, when the economy was losing a staggering 800,000 jobs a month"... and goes on to say "During the past eight months, the economy has averaged 95,000 new private sector jobs." WHAT?!?! Ok, 8 months at 800,000 jobs a month is 6,400,000. She says " The Recovery Act saved millions of American jobs " Then says it's only 95,000 jobs! Um, correct my math, but that is a net loss of 6,305,000. Those 95,000 jobs saved by the 1.3 Trillion dollar Stimulus package only cost our country $13,684,210.53 each. Hell, you could have paid each of those people like they won the lottery and done better. What a crock!
So just exactly what direction are we headed in Mr. President? The right direction?! You have GOT to be KIDDING ME! Please don't tell me you think I'm that stupid. Please.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Feds Go After Joe!
Thursday the Feds filed a lawsuit against Sherrif Joe Arpaio. The suit was filed by Thomas Perez, assistant attorney general for the department's civil rights division claiming that Joe has participated in racial profiling and criminal discrimination. HA! Tell me that isn't racial profiling of a white man! Perez is obviously of hispanic descent and has a chip on his shoulder against Joe.
Joe didn't turn over documents because the Feds would never tell him what they wanted. They just wanted unfettered access to all of the files so they could dig through until the found something they could twist into a scandal. Half of the people arrested by his office have been illegal aliens. How can they think that Arizona is safer than it ever was? What morons!!!
If Obama continues to allow this witch hunt against the State of Arizona he is going to hasten the rebellion of the people of the United States. We are all fed up with this crap. It has nothing to do with skin color, heritage, or religious beliefs. It has to do with political stunts like this, implementation of Socialist and Marxist policies, and politicians looking to get ONE MORE VOTE!
Go JOE!! I back you all the way!
Joe didn't turn over documents because the Feds would never tell him what they wanted. They just wanted unfettered access to all of the files so they could dig through until the found something they could twist into a scandal. Half of the people arrested by his office have been illegal aliens. How can they think that Arizona is safer than it ever was? What morons!!!
If Obama continues to allow this witch hunt against the State of Arizona he is going to hasten the rebellion of the people of the United States. We are all fed up with this crap. It has nothing to do with skin color, heritage, or religious beliefs. It has to do with political stunts like this, implementation of Socialist and Marxist policies, and politicians looking to get ONE MORE VOTE!
Go JOE!! I back you all the way!
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