Friday, October 29, 2010

Immigration Problem Solved!

I have the solution to the immigration problem, the drug problem, and our border problems all in one fell swoop! This is a suggestion that even the Dems could get behind. Lets propose a merger with Mexico! I mean, come on. Their citizens come here illegally all the time. Our court system just decided that you don't have to be a US Citizen to vote. And this way our military could occupy the border area and take care of the drug lords along the border, something Mexico just can't seem to accomplish.

Of course, this would add to our new Healthcare burden. And the strain on our social security system would be outrageous, but hey, you have a whole new group of underpriveledged people who would vote for the Dems to remain in power. You would have a problem feeding them all, since only about 1% of the population would actually be working at that point, and 90% of what they made would be going to taxes to pay for the other 99% of the underpriveledged.

(For those of you that don't know me that well, please note the heavy tone of sarcasm that I am using for this commentary!)

In all seriousness, there was a man beheaded in the USA! In Pheonix in a suburban apartment a man was beheaded this week! Why are we not seeing this on the mainstream news????? They already suspect that it is a cartel murder and the beheading is a warning to any who would cross them. If BHO doesn't get a handle on our border soon he won't have to wait for the people of America to start a civil war. He's going to have an international war along the Mexican border.

And since when did you not have to be a Citizen to vote? How about we ship in a bunch of Australians to vote for the republicans? How about that? I bet the courts would change their tune really quick if the tables were turned. My take on proof of citizenship is this... if you can scrounge 10$ to buy crack, you can scrounge $6 to pay for a non-drivers license proof of citizenship. Where there is a will there is a way. We are not disenfranchising anyone except the Democrats of their illegal votes.

What about this bullshit in Las Vegas with the voting machines. "You can't program these machines to vote for a certain candidate" they shout. Well as a programmer I can tell you that is a complete and utter lie!!!!!!!!! You can program them to do anything you want to. I worked for the state and I know how easy it would be to skew those election results. A simple SQL statement executed by the Database Administrator can swing the votes one direction or the other. Used to be we could trust the people in those positions. Not so much any more.

If the Dems retain their seats after this election, it's going to be a scary place come Wednesday morning.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Energy Problems Solved

New BHO Ambulance

Taxes on the Middle Class

My project is about to end and I am about to be unemployed again. Guess what I am finding. None of the offers I am getting include health insurance, or if they do the premiums per month are $850-1250.00. In order to pay that amount for the insurance and still make a decent wage, I would have to earn $70.00/hour.

I talked to my CPA and that amount puts me in what he calls the "sweet spot" for taxes. At that wage my tax bracket falls into the 46% range for self employed Corp to Corp contracts or 1099 contract. Most of the time that is what you end up doing as a contractor. Very few W2 positions are available these days. After January 1, when the George Bush tax breaks run out, that puts me in the 54% tax bracket. I am making considerably less than the $250,000.00/year mark. So BHO, please, tell me how I end up giving over half of my pay check to the federal government because I am self employed? Another quarter of it is going to health insurance. That leaves 25% for my family and I to pay bills, buy food and gas, and scrape by.

It doesn't pay to work for yourself in America anymore. Now, if I turn all my property over the to the government, stay unemployed, and live off of the sweat of other people who are struggling to get by, well then I have it made. They will pay for my healthcare, give me plenty of food to eat, give me housing, and let me watch Jerry Springer all day on my reduced rate electricity. I just have to sell them my soul,... and my vote.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Civil War? Not such a far fetched idea

You guys thought I was crazy, but even the mainstream media is talking about it now. The news is filled with predictions that the US will soon follow France and Greece into civil unrest. The latest predictor says that the FED will be the spark that ignites the powder keg. How can a bunch of boring old accountants start such a conflagration you ask?

The FED only has control over short term interest rates given to banks. They are already at 0% interest, so they can't do anything else on that front to stimulate our failing economy. So what is the brilliant idea that will save us? INFLATION! That's right. The FED is planning on printing more money to buy up bonds, thereby devaluing the dollar and raising inflation. How do you feel about $10.00 a gallon for gas? or $6.00 for a loaf of bread? Or $60.00 for a loaf of bread? If they follow this path the dollar will soon be on a 1 to 1 level with the Mexican Peso. Their dollar has been reduced to the value of penny. It takes 60 pesos to buy a 60 cent loaf of bread.

I think we might see some rioting if they do this to our economy. Obama has said that we are opposed to the direction he is leading the country because we are scared and stupid. I would say that anyone who understand the economics of life better than our President is not that stupid BHO. Keep it up. I'm still clinging to my gun.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dems Getting Desperate in Face of Landslide Republican Win

The Democratic party and BHO have resorted to baseless allegations of "foreign contributions" used to fund ads against the Dems. Robin Carnahan is now posting Tea Party ads on Google ads. They are really getting desperate!

Robin Carnahan is really getting dispicable. I loved her dad. I voted for him. But this is ridiculous! On Google ads you will see an ad saying Support the Tea Party and Clean Up Washington. When you click on it you are re-directed to a page that allows donations to Carnahan's campaign! That is just outright lying!

Now the DNC and their minions are claiming that the US Chamber of Commerce is accepting donations of foreign money to fund anti democratic ads. There is no evidence of any foreign contributions, but even if there was, so what? What we do have evidence of is a large amount of contributions of foreign money to BHO's campaign. All with no disclosed source. So who is really hiding something?

They really are getting desperate. It gives me hope.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

30 Exemptions from Healthcare!

Last week we heard about a threat from McDonalds that if they didn't get an exemption from the BHO Healthcare Reform, they would drop the mini-med plans for 30,000 employees. The White House came out and said that was NOT Correct, followed shortly by Corporate McDonalds saying the same thing, very carefully. The way it was worded, they didn't exactly deny that the letter, or the threat, existed.

Now today we find out that BHO is granting an exception to, not only McDonalds, but 30 companies all told. How convienient! First they deny it, then they do it, next they'll claim they never denied it in the first place. I would love for someone to check the campaign contributions made in the last month too. My bet is that McDonalds has a big fat one written out to the DNC! Along with the other 29 companies that received this "exemption". Why doesn't this guy just declare marital law so we can have a Civil War, kick his ass, and be done with this bull shit?!


Friday, October 1, 2010

Medical Bullshit!

This is going to be a long one, but it’s something that I think you need to hear. I think this should be shouted from the rooftops, in fact. I am going to lose my health care. You know that if you have read this blog. After McDonald’s announcement that it was going to drop it’s mini-med plans because they couldn’t afford them, I can’t believe you would be surprised. What is shocking is 1. The premium that my senator considers acceptable, 2. The responses received from HHS., and 3. The cost of medicine.

Let’s take these issues one at a time. First, Missouri passed a law stating that insurance companies must provide at least one plan for diabetics. In Missouri this is called the Pool Group. The premium for insurance for myself alone, each month, is $1248.00. The policy also has a $10,000.00 deductible before they start paying for anything. There are no drug coverage’s, but they will sell you a discount card. I don’t know how much you folks make, but I make enough to be considered rich by the government. It’s below $100,000.00/year, but I’m still considered rich and get stuck in the 40% tax bracket. I know that I can’t afford to pay $1248.00/month for health insurance for me alone. If I add my children to it, the amount goes up to more than $1500.00/month. That’s a nice house payment. I talked to an agent who had contacted McCaskill’s office. Their response was “well, they may not like the premium, but the still have access to the insurance don’t they?”. I have received similar responses from that office as well.

So I got mad and said “To Hell with it. Everyone else plays the system, why not me?” and I called Divisions of Social Services, Health and Human Services. I asked them what programs I qualified for since I could not get insurance. She asked me if I made more than $348. I said “per week?” She replied, “No, per month.” I told her “Of course I do, I have a job! Are you kidding me?” Her response was that I would not qualify for Medicaid. She said since I had a job I was obviously not disabled, so I would not qualify for Medicare. I responded “You people say I have to find health insurance. I am an automatic decline for health insurance because I am an insulin dependant diabetic. I don’t qualify for your programs because I am a responsible working citizen. How am I supposed to find health insurance?! You have given me an impossible task!” She replied, “Unless you make less than $348/month, or are disabled, I cannot help you.” So I asked her “So you are telling me, in order to get health care, I am going to have to quit my job, walk away from my house and property, go onto welfare, and THEN I can get healthcare?” She responded “Mam, I am not telling you what to do. If you did that you would qualify for Medicaid and we could help you, but I am not telling you to do that. That is your decision.” In other words yes, that is exactly what they want me to do.

As for the cost of medicine, I think losing your healthcare coverage may be the best thing to happen to America in a long time. Insurance took over our doctor payments and we have been insulated from the actual cost for so long that most of us have no clue how much this crap costs! When my mother in law bought her insulin it was about 40$ a month. My insulin is going to cost me $200/month. WTF? In 20 years it jumped that much? Bullshit! Somebody is screwing the system. We have been out of the loop for way too long. Medicine needs to come down. Some of the BS regulations they put on it that jacks the price up needs to come down. We need to get back in touch with what is going on behind the scenes. If 50% of Americans lose their healthcare coverage, which it looks like they will before Obama’s government run single payer system kicks in, there is going to be a squall like a scalded cat heard across this nation. So yeah, I think this may end up being a good thing.

Down in Flames!

They're Not Listening