Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Healthcare or Total Control

I am so proud of the American People for finally waking up and seeing the bull crap that our politicians are feeding us. I have done something that many of our Senators have not. I have read this blasted Healthcare bill. Oh, I know, that's not the one in the Senate. They have four or five versions in the Senate, so how could I know what is in the bill. That from my own Senator McCaskill here in Missouri. Well, this is what was presented to the Senate so this is the basis. Euthenasia is included in this bill, cleverly disguised by pretty words like "End of Life Counseling". What it boils down to, on Page 432, is that the government is going to set standards for end of life care that will be applied evenly to all cases. If your over 60, you aren't going to get that pacemaker. Unless of course you donate a significant amount to the Democratic Party that year.

They also have an opening to come into our homes and address the "Mental, Physical, and Emotional Welfare" of our children and prescibe a "government approved course of accepted instruction" which will be monitored to make sure we are teaching them what the government wants. This is from page 887. There is also enough vagueness in there to cover abortion services and provides enough latitude to control every aspect of what we eat if we are overweight.

I really want to know why the Secretary of Health and Human Services is collaborating with the Director of the Department of Defense to identify person described in paragraph (x) to track said person and ensure compliance, throughout the bill. Sounds like the armed forces is going to be used to enforce compliance to me. Open the bill and search for Defense. You'll find the references.

Thank god you people are finally taking off your color blinders and seeing the truth. I don't care if this man is purple, he is a socialist! It has nothing to do with his skin color and everything to do with his radical left wing belief system. It has everything to do with his intense hatred of white people and his desire for reparations to the black community! I have some very dear black friends, and even they are starting to be afraid of this man.

I honestly believe that if you were born after 1960, skin color really doesn't make that much difference any more. All you have to do is look around to see how many mixed race couples with kids there are in every city in America. Maybe when we're all the color of caffe au latte you people will give the race card a rest.

I fear for our country right now. I can see civil war down one of the paths if we don't get our government in control soon. People are fed up with the this crap. We are tired of the nanny state and the left wing whackos. We are tired of the right wing whackos! The day has come when it is un-PC to call ourselves American. We are now supposed to refer to ourselves a Citizens of the United States. Our teenagers are now Youth. Illegal Aliens are now "Historically Under Represented Socio Ethnic Groups". I am so sick of Political Correctness that I want to puke.

Let's get back to our roots. White, Black, Mexican, India, etc. It doesn't matter. We are all AMERICANS! And the America that I know doesn't need socilistic policies. Our churches and community groups took care of the people in need. We have become too big and faceless of a society for that to work any more. We need to get to know our neighbors. At least the ones that don't smoke crack. We need to care for our fellow man without a government mandate to do so. And we need to buck up and be human beings. All you vegans out there... Eat a sandwich for gods sake and come back down to earth. Peta... go to hell. Everybody just keep up making these asses responsible for the messes they make. Go baby go.

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