Wednesday, June 16, 2010

S.3480 - Big Brothers hand on the Internet

The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010, S.3480 is the new attempt to shut down the voices that oppose the Government.  This bill is too much power for any President, Republican or Democrat.  It will single handled allow him to shut down any site that is deemed a "Threat" to the state of the nation.  I don't understand what Lieberman is thinking by introducing this bill.  For one thing, it's obvious that he has no clue how technology works.  You can't just install a "Kill Switch" on the internet.  You have to shut down one server/site at a time.  He reminds me of the older folks who call the help desk and say "The internet is down, can you reboot it please?" 

The internet is comprised of millions of servers all across our nation.  If you graph it out it looks like a huge spider web.  That's why it's called the World Wide Web. DUH!  The only way they can shut it down is one site at a time.  This is not just an Obama or Lib thing, this is too much for the Conservatives or the Tea Party too.  Write to your Senator and try to explain this to them.  Urge them to vote down S. 3480 for the sake of freedom.  Freedom of speech and freedom of commerce.

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