Thursday, October 21, 2010

Civil War? Not such a far fetched idea

You guys thought I was crazy, but even the mainstream media is talking about it now. The news is filled with predictions that the US will soon follow France and Greece into civil unrest. The latest predictor says that the FED will be the spark that ignites the powder keg. How can a bunch of boring old accountants start such a conflagration you ask?

The FED only has control over short term interest rates given to banks. They are already at 0% interest, so they can't do anything else on that front to stimulate our failing economy. So what is the brilliant idea that will save us? INFLATION! That's right. The FED is planning on printing more money to buy up bonds, thereby devaluing the dollar and raising inflation. How do you feel about $10.00 a gallon for gas? or $6.00 for a loaf of bread? Or $60.00 for a loaf of bread? If they follow this path the dollar will soon be on a 1 to 1 level with the Mexican Peso. Their dollar has been reduced to the value of penny. It takes 60 pesos to buy a 60 cent loaf of bread.

I think we might see some rioting if they do this to our economy. Obama has said that we are opposed to the direction he is leading the country because we are scared and stupid. I would say that anyone who understand the economics of life better than our President is not that stupid BHO. Keep it up. I'm still clinging to my gun.

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