Monday, September 20, 2010

Guard the Change and Deny the Negative Ads

BHO has now appealed to the black population to "Guard the Change" that he is bringing. Why doesn't he appeal to everyone? I'm sure there are alot of libs that are white, hispanic, etc. Why just the blacks? Because this is code for nothing more than reparations. He wants to get them fired up with the promises of payback for what happened 100 years ago to their great grandparents. Like the black panthers, they won't be happy until the roles are reversed and blacks can own whites as slaves for a couple hundred years. When do you let it go folks? I never owned slaves. Neither did my grandparents, or their parents, or theirs before them. When do you let the past lay?

Now they also claim that they are not considering a negative ad campaign against the tea party. Bullcrap! That's all they do. The tea party scares the hell out of these guys so the belittle and marginalize it at every opportunity. Keep it up partiers!

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