Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Guess who's washing their winky with your tax dollars

Want to know where $800,000.00 of your tax dollars went in the stimulus give away? Probably not, it made me sick. Read the article here first: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/75198

That's right. The National Institute of Mental Health "spent $823,200 of economic stimulus funds in 2009 on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex."(see link)

Over 3/4 of a million dollars teaching Africans to wash their winky! Dr. Coates contracted aides over 20 years ago and is a leader in the field of Aides research, but I will not back down from my stance on this. This should have been a privately funded study, not a government funded one. Why didn't he get private funding? Because nobody wants to pay to teach someone how to wash their dick! Good lord, do you have to teach them how to wipe their butt too? Do you know how many homes for the homeless you could have put up with that money? How many repos you could have bought and put homeless people into, thereby stimulating both the economy and the real estate market!?

This is ridiculous folks and it's just another example of our socialistic government. They have trained people to play the system and rely on government to give them money. I'm sure Dr. Coates is dedicated to his studies, but I don't have to support those studies. Government subsidies of research need to be done away with. Let them go back to doing it the old fashioned way, begging! The free market choose what was a good idea and what wasn't. I guarantee, if this is a good idea, some health insurance company would have paid for the study, because it would reduce their cost of operations!

The socialist democrats of America don't believe in the free market though, so they fund this crap, and this is what we get. $800,000 spent to teach Africans how to wash their dick!

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