Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How do you know when Obama is Lying? His lips are moving!

I listened to BHO in Ohio while I was at lunch today. This man is so full of bull. He was touting about how he believed in free enterprise, and how he thought the small businesses were the backbone of America. He didn't believe in a big government, but a lean and trim one that let people "do whatever they want to, unless it hurts others." I almost gagged when he said "That's the Democrat standpoint and always has been." SINCE WHEN?!

I then almost peed myself when he started on his 'I was born a poor black chile' routine (sans place of birth, of course). Oh, and Michelle was born a poor black chile too. With her poor crippled father. It's funny that they never mention his MS until after BHO is elected president. I have done some research online and can only find mention of this condition in articles after the election. Odd. Anyway, the "I come from the masses" just doesn't cut it. Michelle was born to a middle class family that lived in a nice suburban home, not in the ghetto and a one bedroom apartment. BHO was born to an anthropologist who married one of the men she was studying. She divorced him and married a diplomat, so this vision of BHO growing up with a poor white single mother doesnt exactly cut it either.

He went on to tout every plank in the Republican platform in regards to reigning in spending, reducing the size of government, and letting the free market reign. In the next breath he then says that we were all deceived by the belief that the free market could ever work. He believes that people should be able to make thier own decisions, "Except when government can do it better for them." That part sent chills down my spine. What exactly does he think government can do better for me than I can do for myself?

His message is so mixed that you can't follow it. He spouts off what the consultants have told him to say, but then the real BHO comes out and you can see the socialistic/marxist in him peeping through. He blames it all on Bush and the wars, when he spent more in the last 18 months that George did in 8 years. This man is frightening. What is even more frightening are the sheep sitting in the crowd, orgasmically clapping and cheering every time he finishes one of his perfectly timed pauses. God help us all.

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