Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The DNC "Owns" the Black People of America

How do you African American folks like being "Owned" again? Any conservative black is facing considerable heat for not supporting the DNC or the black president. (Um, he's not really black guys. He's mullato technically.) Tea Party goers who are black are being called "Uncle Tom", "Oreo", and other racially disparaging names. They brave violence at Tea Party functions for going against the "mainstream" blacks.

I never thought I would see the day when they would pull the race card on Black people. It just boggles the mind. There have been plenty of black leaders who were conservative or even (god forbid) Republican. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican, but don't say that in front of Jesse Jackson. He'll punch you. I don't think the DNC has any right to claim that they own black people. It sounds like white slave owners during the Civil War. Gives me the creeps.

So, as an unofficial spokesperson for the Tea Party, I would like to extend an open hand to all people of all skin colors. Come over to the "Dark Side". LOL We will welcome you without labels or regards for your skin color. You might even find that you like us conservatives better. We are not the bigots that the liberal Democrats would have you believe. They have lied to you for years and you bought it hook line and sinker. To those of you brave souls who have already gone against the flow, welcome. I am proud of you for stepping outside the box and looking at us with unbiased eyes, they same way we look at you. Together, we can change the world.

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