Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Reid needs a real life

I watched Harry Reid and Greta Van Sustren (clips) and it occurs to me that the liberal democrats are living in a fantasy world. My oldest boy is going into psychology and he describes it as a self indulgent delusional state. Reid actually believes that people are thanking him for Health Care. The man has lost his mind. How can he miss the people protesting? Are all democrats in this state of delusion? I know Claire McCaskill is. She keeps talking about how the people of Missouri are so happy with Healthcare. Personally I think Claire needs to get the hell out of St. Louis and meet the rest of her state. Not all of us are welfare recipient, government hand out begging victims. Some of us have a life and we don't care for her brand of baby sitting.

I have yet to meet anyone who likes healthcare. They keep telling me they are out there, but I haven't found any yet, and I really am looking. I would like to meet someone who can tell me why it's a good thing my premium is going from $200/month to $600/month. I really want to know what they think.

One good thing that happened today is the blocking of the FCC from controlling the internet. As a computer geek I can tell you that is the LAST place the FCC needs to stick their socialist nose. They barely know what a router is, let alone how to institute a decent security policy on one. If they had gotten their hands on the power to tell us how to secure our networks, none of us would have a safe credit card number in the world. So thank you courts. You did good for once.

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