Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mandatory Medical Tracking?! Really!!!???

Here is a preview of what Obamacare is moving to.  Their great idea for saving money and fraud in Medicare and Medicaid?  Automated monitoring and medicine administration via an implant and broadband.  That's right, they want to implant a device that is similar to a diabetic insulin pump.  The difference is this device connects via wireless broadband connection to a government monitoring facility. 

Here is the scary part.  They will automatically administer medication based on the readings.  This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how it's implemented.  If a patient is in poor health and wants this type of interaction, then it can be a very good thing.  If this technology is forced on people as a mandate of receiving Medicare or Medicaid, the potential for abuse is outstanding. 

One suggestion for expansion of the monitoring include monitoring floor vibrations to see if someone has fallen.  This may be a stretch, but if you are monitoring floor vibrations you can certainly tap into sound vibrations, like conversations.  Big Brother has an opportunity to be very intrusive with this little app.  What happens when they determine that a person is failing beyond the point of cost effectiveness?  Does the app administer just a little too much pain medication and put them out of their misery?  What about if you are driving and it administers medication that puts you to sleep? 

This is their answer to the lack of physicians to handle the new 40 million patients added to the medical roles.  Tag em and bag em.  You don't need a doctor's care, just a quick review by an automated software program and some technician without a medical degree.  Welcome to Amerika folks.  Take a number and wait for your assignment.

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