Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Finally, a simple solution to the Birth Certificate Question.

Ok, yesterday I went on a tangent about the IOM and I was told that I was wading into the deep end where conspiracy theorists live. So I shall swim in the middle today. A couple of posts ago I talked about the Birth Certificate thing. At this point I don’t think it matters. Even if they did find out he wasn’t eligible, what would they do? My bet is nothing. But Arizona has come up with a fabulous move that will put to rest all of the doubts and force Obama’s hand.

Yesterday the Arizona House voted 31-22 to approve a measure that requires all presidential candidates to provide proof of birth before they can be allowed to be placed on a ballot for presidential election. There it is in a nutshell. It will “shut up the crazy birthers” as the dems are so vapid to do and it will remove the lingering doubt that has been hanging around. Why doesn’t every state do this? It would apply to the 2012 election and would settle the matter once and for all.

So, Missouri Reps, here is your chance. Put this into effect and let’s get it done with.


  1. All you Arizona Birthers are just racists going by another name. You’re so desperate to call Obama a nigger that you can’t stand it. You hate the fact that a black was elected United States President and you’ll do anything you think you can to try and discredit him. Your arguments are nothing but a bag of lies and bullshit. Your phony patriotism is sickening. Why not cut the crap and just put the sheet on your head? Either that, or just shut up and get back in your trailer parks, losers!

  2. Wow, your pursuasive words are so enticing. I don't believe I have ever used that offensive term in regards to a black person. I have several black friends. Personally I am disappointed that our first black president is doing such a bad job. I am not trying to discredit the President, just put to rest such a simple issue.

    I don't live in a trailer park and I have nothing to do with the KKK. You on the other hand appear to be an expert on the subject. Hmmm... I don't understand your hatred of anyone that holds a different opinion. I don't hate you. I invite you to present logical arguments to persuade me to like this man. Until then, I will hold my opinion that he is an idealist with Marxist or Socialist values who is trying to turn this country into a European clone.
