Monday, May 17, 2010

Childhood Obesity

Michelle Obama wants to track your children and how heavy they are.  They want mandatory weight tracking of children by the doctors.  So, yet one more thing you have to go to the doctor's for.  But here is my question.  Once they collect this data, what exactly are their plans for using it?  Are they going to put my son on a diet because he is big?  Are they going to take him away from me because he doesn't meet the height/weight requirements?  Will DFS get involved? 

There has already been one case of a mother having her children taken away because one of them was too obese.  Are they planning on moving that benchmark down just a bit?  There are some things that it is none of the Governments damned business.  Like what my kids weight is.  How often do I have sex.  How many hours of sleep do I get a night.  What are my political views.  The fact that these people are trying to pry that far into my private life is frightening.  I think everyone should write to Mrs. Obama-nation and tell her to put her nose back into her own families lives and leave us the hell alone!

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