Monday, May 10, 2010

The attack on Patriotism in the US

I listened to the news this morning and read it online just before lunch.  I heard and read about denying our senior citizens the right to pray before their meals.  I listened to an interview of a 13 year old girl who was sent to the principals office for drawing and offensive picture...of the American Flag.  I read about President Obama warning our graduating college students of the danger of social networking and technology.

It seems to me there is a systematic and purposeful campaign to discredit and destroy patriotism in America.  Every time someone wants to pray, when it's a Christian religion at least, someone is standing there saying "No, you can't do that.  Seperation of Church and State."  or "No you can't do that.  I'm not Christian and you are offending me and infringing on my rights."  Well what about my rights as a Christian?  Am I not entitled to pray as often or as little as I so choose, any place I want to?  If I was an Athiest I could purchase signs on a bus in a major city telling everyone with eyes that God does not exist, and everyone is fine with that.  But let me put a sign on a bus advertising services at a Church and suddenly it's illegal because the City runs that bus and you must have seperation of Church and State.

My children are taught in school that Reagan was a bad president and all the evil things in this country are the direct result of conservatives.  They are told via the media that the Tea Party is nothing but a bunch of right wing nut cases that is made up of returning veterans who lost their mind in the heat of the desert.  The songs they listen to tell them that the Government will save them and they should follow blindly.  Anything depicting the American Flag is cursed or destroyed or vandalized.

And now we have our own President warning us to ignore the news and technology that brings you the news outside of the approved channels.  Does anyone see the danger in what he said?  He sounds like Mao Tse Tung when he first took over China.  The reason he is attacking the social networking sites is because he can't control them and that is where his opposition flourishes.  The first thing you do in a war is to cut communications off between the different units of the enemy.  That is what he is trying to do.  The crazy ideas that quickly gain traction is a direct reference to the Tea Party.  The Tea Party is a direct threat to his plans to turn this into a Socialist or Marxist country. 

We are one step closer to Revolution today.  How many more steps do we have before we reach the point of no return?  Someone needs to tell this man to turn back now.  Don't do this to the greatest nation on earth.

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