Thursday, May 20, 2010

You haven't even read it!? Seriously?!

Ok, I've been out of pocket for a few days, but that doesn't mean I haven't been listening.  Now Obama, Napalitano, and Holder have all admitted that they haven't even read the 10 page bill on Immigration Status passed by Arizona.  But they are quite vehement that it is BAD for our country.  If these idiots can't even read a 10 page bill, how in the hell did we expect them to read a 1500 page healthcare bill?

California has voted to boycott Arizona, but only on the things that don't really matter.  They aren't returning the 25% of their electricity that they get, are they?  I congratulate the gentleman from Arizona challenging them to have the courage of their convictions and switch that puppy off. 

This is how it begins folks.  We get one state fighting with another and a President who is too weak to control it, then we end up with everybody fighting.  I predict that the next two and a half years are going to be very interesting indeed.  I will be surprised if the US makes it out of this one intact.  I can only hope to god that we have a better candidate next time.  And if whomever runs has a lick of sense, they will get Sarah as their vice.  At least she has seen the inside of a Wal-Mart in her lifetime and has a clue how the rest of us live!

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