Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gay Marriage. Hmmm, Why not?

Ok, I was raised southern Baptist. My upbringing told me that being gay was wrong. Course my religion also told me that I was going to hell for the sins of my mother and father. Argh! Bad memories. We won't go there. I have a panic attack every time I think about it.

Ok, so here is where I vary from the Republicans again. I don't think two men or two women should marry. Does that mean that I should prevent them? No, I don't think so. I also don't think it's right for the poligamy of the Mormons to be illegal. There are other religions and beliefs in this world than mine. Just because I don't think it's right doesn't mean I should prevent it from happening. I think that two men or two women should at the very least be afforded the privledge of having a civil union. If two people want to dedicate their lives to each other, more power to them. I have been married for twenty years this June and it was the best decision of my life. My husband and I are still very much in love. My life would be very empty without him. Why would I want to deny that joy to two other people? What they do in their bedroom is their business as long as they are over the age of consent. If a group of people of the same belief want to share their lives following their faith and their beliefs, let them. I have known both gays and mormons who are very good people and follow their hearts. The persecution they receive is very similar to the baloney that goes on over in Gaza. Let it go people.

So what if the thought of gay sex makes you ill. Seeing people eat chicken livers makes me ill. Should we outlaw that? Buck up and leave people alone. And if you tell me I'm not conservative because of that, well fine. My view on life is everyone should mind their own damn business and let the rest of us get on with our lives.

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