Thursday, April 23, 2009

Liar Liar, Pants on Fire

Well Pelosi has the proverbial mammary gland in a ringer this time doesn't she. First she new nothing about the enhanced interogation, then she had heard of it but didn't know we were using it. Oh yeah, but she forgot that there were, not just one, but several, written records of her having been briefed extensively on the use of the enhanced interogation techniques. Not to mention the fact that she steered 25 million of the tarp funds to her husbands company. Or any of the other stunts she has pulled. Man it sucks when your own witch hunt bites you in the butt.

Obamas team seems to have a large problem with either their memory or their integrity. Our chief of homeland security put her foot in her mouth again today. So bad that CNN even reported on the call for her resignation. It was sandwiched between a story on an elephant getting lifted by a crane and some robins on the whitehouse lawn hatching. (What is with CNN and their animal stories? Did PETA take them over?)

The director of the IRS is a tax cheat, as well as several other members of the cabinet. He just can't seem to hang on to his folks. I don't dislike Obama because he's black. I dislike him because he is classic corrupt Chicago Politics in the white house mixed in with Socialist values. Maybe, like Pelosi, if we give him enough rope he will do like her and hang himself?

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