Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I need a new party

Most Republicans believe that Democrats are corrupt. Most Democrats believe that Republicans are corrupt. Most general folks that I know sit in the middle and say "It doesn't matter, they are both corrupt." I believe that we need a new party in this mix.

I am a conservative with some very strong opposition to some of the key values of the Republican party. For one thing, even though my choice would be to never have an abortion, I don't think the government has the right to make that decision for everyone. This is in harsh contrast to the traditional Republican views. My personal experiences have shaped my views on this. A friend who was raped by a boy on the second date and was denied an abortion because she was under 18 shaped this opinion. She had the child and gave it up for adoption because she couldn't deal with seeing that reminder every day. She regretted giving that child up every day and did not seek the child back because she could not stand the reminder. No one deserves that. Two lives were ruined by that one refusal.

I also don't agree with the denial of the marriage right for gays. What really ticks me off is the people who cloak it in religious morality. They only reason they don't allow gays to marry is because of monetary reasons. Insurance companies have lobbied long and hard because they don't want to pay out on claims. They don't give a hoot about religious morality, just their bottom line. The government doesn't like it either because the majority of these couples cannot or do not adopt children to inherit the property. So where does it go? I'm guessing it goes to the government enough of the time to make an impact. I need to do more research on that, but I suspect it's a factor.

Before I make this next point I want to stress the following. I do not do drugs, except for the occasional glass of wine and the cigarettes I smoke. I do not advocate doing drugs. But I am also not stupid enough to think that there people out there who do not do drugs. Our forefathers believed in the individuals right to ruin their lives if that is what they wanted to do. How they accomplished that was up to them. If they chose drink or drug, that was their business. I think we should go back to that fundamental. Therefore I would support the legalization of marijuana. The medical benefits of marijuana alone should legalize it for cancer patients. If my grandfather would have had access to medical mariujana, his last months of life would have been much easier as the cancer took him. The other reason to support it would be the tax benefits we could reap. We came out of the great depression by repealing prohibition. Imagine what we could do with the revenue off the legalization of pot. Of course the response to this is always "So are you going to legalize Meth and Coke too?" The answer is no. Pot mellows people out. I challenge one person to give me an example of violent crime committed by a pothead. Coke and Meth affect people in a way that makes them become violent. Pot makes you lay on the couch and eat Doritos. So there is my third strike for the Republican party.

My big point is that I think the government should butt the hell out of my life. If I want to drink a beer while mowing my lawn I shouldn't receive a DUI. If I want to own guns, get off my case. If I am raped and I don't want to bear the fruit of that violation, I have should have the right to seek an abortion. I don't want to work from January 1 through the 15th of May to pay my taxes. I do want to be able to work and make a good salary without giving it to generational welfare cases simply because I have enough wherewithall to get off my ass and work.

So here is my proposal. Let's start a new party. Lets call it the Foundation party, because it is based on the values and ideals of our founding fathers. Our planks are that government gets the hell out of our lives. States go back to being the driving governance of the land. Taxes are reduced or eliminated. Guns are legal, the constitution is strictly adhered to, and we go back to being the strong America we grew up in. Not this wussy state that the children of the 60's with their free love and communes and ivory tower ideals have left us with.

But that is just my opinion. What's yours?

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