Monday, April 20, 2009

Janine, you ignorant $lut...

Yes, if you are old enough to recognize the reference to SNL original, your in my neck of the woods. I just finished watching that idiot Janine Garofalo. For someone who claims to be a "cerebral" and who likes to inflate her speech with "big words", she has resorted to one of the oldest fallacies of all times. She actually believes that conservatives have a smaller cerebellum than liberals. After doing a research paper on schizophrenia for my psych course, I can tell you that after extensive MRI studies, brain sizes do not split along political lines. As for all of us being "Ignorant Rednecks", I have to disagree.

Janine, you stupid bit*h. I'm one of those "Ignorant Rednecks" you hold so much disdain for. I graduated from school with a 4.0 and from college with a 3.78. I hold a masters degree in Computer Information Systems and am a certified Project Management Professional. I also have an IQ of 136, the last time I was tested. How high is your IQ Ms. Garofalo? You and your associates at MSNBC seemed to have quite the time with your puns on teabagging. Is that because you weren't smart enough to rise up out of the gutteral humor that you wallowed in?

For your continued information, Janine, I am not a racist. I happen to have several black friends, and guess what. They think you suck too!!!! I wonder who would score higher on a history test about the Boston Tea Party? You and your high and mighty friends who like to blow air up each others skirt tails and make yourself feel important while actually knowing very little about the history of this great nation and what our founding fathers stood for. Things like taxation without representation. Or those of us who showed up at the tea parties. Not by the tens, as you would have us believe, but by the thousands and millions across the nation. Those of us who feel like the politicians in Washington, regardless of race and color, are out for nothing but a power grab and are burdening our children with the debt of their mistakes. When politicians tax the people against the will of the people, for reasons that the people don't agree with, that is taxation without representation.

I don't care if President Obama is purple, you self loathing biggoted, wench. If anyone is racist it is you, for even thinking that race comes into play. Does that mean that Govenor Jindal is racist too? He's a conservative, and, oh yeah... he's Indian. Hmm, he must implicitly hate blacks as well, huh. You, Ms. Garofalo, are one of the most messed up individuals I have ever heard. Please, seek psychological help immediately. I'd pray for you, but I think you might disappear in a puff of smoke if I did. Like a vampire hit by the sun.

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