Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why we should legalize Pot.

I do not smoke pot. I have not smoked pot. Even if they legalize it I most likely will not smoke pot. So why the heck do I want to legalize it? Because I watched my grandfather go through two very painful bouts of cancer before it claimed his life. Because I have watched people with glucoma go blind when it could have helped. And why the hell is it illegal anyway?

It's not a violent drug like cocaine or meth. You don't go crazy for it when you run out. People who smoke pot don't generally kill little old ladies for their jewelry so they can score another dime bag. People who smoke pot don't run around the neighborhood with a baseball bat killing the demons trying to eat their brains. They will sit naked in a beanbag eating cheetos. They will lay on the couch and laugh their ass off at something, we're not quite sure what, but something.

Pot on the whole is much less harmful than alcohol and more medicinally beneficial. It could have alleviated much of my grandpa's pain during chemo. It could have stimulated him appetite so that he didn't get down to 98 pounds.

And think of what it could do for the economy. We came out of the great depression by legalizing alcohol. The taxes generated off of it would pay off the Dems trillion dollar fiasco of a bailout. Thousands of new jobs would be created. The american farmer would be revitalized with a new cash crop. I would think all these old Dem Hippies would love to legalize pot. It would be a dream come true. We would instantly become the number one vacation spot in the world. So why would they not want to legalize it? Because it would fix the problems they have created? Because it would empower more people? Hmmm. It's time for a change. He promised change, so where is it. All I see is more of the same.

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