Thursday, March 18, 2010

Demon Pass - Pelosi's waterloo?

I am forever amazed at the lies that fall out of Robert Gibbs mouth. This man is so full of bull that he should have horns growing out of his head and tail for swatting reporters. I have been listening to the streaming press conference at the white house today.

He has adeptly side stepped answering any hard hitting questions regarding Obama and the Health Care bill. They still continue to paint the rosy picture that this bull crap is going to pass, even though the votes are not there. He patently denies that the president is twisting arms to wring votes out of the Democratic members. Amazing that all of the folks invited to a ceremony this morning were the ones that were on the fence or pat No votes on Health Care.

I do have one piece of advice for these idiots. Don’t use Deem and Pass (Demon Pass). If they attempt to use this crap to pass the bill while sidestepping accountability they will lose any credibility that they might have left. If they use this every Attorney General in the United States needs to immediately challenge it as the unconstitutional act that it is. Deem was never meant to be used for passing bills, only for passing amendments to bills that would still be voted on. We are inching closer to a point of no return every day with this president. I fear for my children and the nation because a civil war is in the wind.

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