Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wow. Now we have healthcare. Life must be good?

Since when did a prayer vigil become an act of terrorism. Russ Carnahan, our Congressman from St. Louis, where the dead get to vote three times, has asked for police protection because somebody scared him. They left a coffin on his sidewalk. Of course that was after the prayer vigil was staged to voice concerns about government funded abortion in the healthcare law. Carnahan is playing this up to grab attention and try to hurt the protestors. Nobody has threatened him. He voted for a bill that nobody wanted and he has hacked off alot of people, but nobody is taking pot shots at him. This is just the typical lib play book. If the ball misses you, fall down and holler "OWWW" as loud as you can. See if they'll give you the base anyway. (Sorry, it’s spring and baseball is in the air.) Grow up Dems. You voted for it, deal with the consequences, which is a ticked off public. Kiss your jobs goodbye.
From the WSJ, Verizon and Caterpillar both announced to employees today that they should expect to see a jump in the cost of their health insurance premiums very soon. They may also face a reduction of services. There is your first hand lesson in reality Libs. It's economics 101. When demand increases and supply remains the same, cost goes up. So now you watch, who's going to pay for this? The question is finally answered. Anybody making over 50,000 per year will be paying. So much for Obama’s promise about not taxing the middle class.
In other news, Michigan Congressman Dingell slipped up and said that Obamacare will control the people. Yeah, pretty much. Can’t blame the man for telling the truth. And he’s too old to care much about getting re-elected. House Majority Whip Clyburn is following Carnahan’s lead and saying that the Repbulicans and Tea Party members are terrorists and should be dealt with appropriately.
Keep pushing boys. Keep pushing. Your gonna find out what happens when the government gets too big for it’s britches.

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