Friday, March 19, 2010

Pelosi Prays? Oh my!

Nancy… What will your constituents say?! You’re praying? And to a Catholic Saint? Oh my. Garofolo will be so disappointed that you still have such primitive beliefs. Civilized people such as you should no longer need the archaic belief in religion.

I listened to her press conference. Every time I see her I think of the wicked witch of the west. (If only we could drop a house on her.) Her claims are so ridiculous. She said in her conference that they had gathered small children together to hear them speak about why this healthcare bill was so important to them. That they had children there as young as six weeks old. Tell me something Nancy, what did the six week old children tell you about the bill? Did they give you some more arm twisting tactics? Kids don’t give a damn! They want ice cream and to go play video games!

Now we have the leak that the only way they got the cost of the Obamacare plan down was to remove the doc fix, which is almost half a billion dollars. If they pass this monster you had all better start learning to speak Chinese, because they are going to own us.

Anyone with any experience in business knows that the first thing that will happen is the skyrocketing of health care costs. They may be forced to provide a diabetic like me with insurance, but the government hasn’t said how much they can charge. Last time I checked, private insurance on myself would run approximately $1500.00 per month. And that was with a one year exclusionary period for anything related to diabetes. So, you think that if they make them cover me I’m going to get a better deal? I anticipate private insurance for myself to go up to around $2500.00 per month.

We have already seen some of the fall out from this bill. My youngest son does not meet the height and weight requirements for health insurance. He is too tall and too heavy for a child his age according to their charts. The company we purchased his private insurance through (the reason for that is a whole different saga) decided they wanted out of the insurance game and they didn’t want to insure any high risk candidates. (Apparently being 5' 11" and 200lbs at 13 is a risk.) His rate jumped in January from 112$ per month to over 435$ per month. Needless to say we had to shop around and find new insurance. And that is with the bill just under consideration! What do you think it will do if this thing passes!!!! All of us will be paying the fine for not having health care. Or we will all be on medicare because we have lost everything we own because we got sick. This will only compound the problem, not fix it.

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