Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tea Party is made up of Extremists?

Does anyone else see a frightening trend here? The folks in Detroit may have been religious fanatics and nutjobs, but do we know that for sure? Just because the mainstream media screams it top volume for a couple of days doesn't mean its the whole story. Today in an interview Obama said that the Tea Party was made up of "Birthers" and extremists who believe he is a socialist. Seems like anyone who opposes his view on how America should work is being marginalized. So what happens when you marginalize a majority of people? I think you are going to hit a tipping point that leads down a path none of us want. Nobody wants the police to be targets of death threats. Nobody wants to be the target of a death threat. This way lies dragons Mr. President.

What happens when it becomes illegal to "think" about something. After all, from what has been reported, these people never took any action to act on their rhetoric. They just "thought" about killing some cops. Not honorable, but not illegal either. Is it illegal for me to "think" about killing my boss when I get mad at him? Is it illegal to fantasize about killing an ex lover in the heat of passion? Who among us has not had a fleeting thought about killing someone? The answer to that is none of us. In fact, it is a trick they use on the polygraph tests. Everyone has "thought" about killing someone, but no one will admit to it. So they ask you that question to see what a lie response is. Tricksey interrogators.

If Obama wants to put the "Birther" controversy to rest, why doesn't he just show us his birth certificate? I had to go get mine recently. Cost me $25.00 and took 30 minutes. I'll send him the money if that is the problem. LOL. As for the socialist thing, well.... we don't think your socialist Mr. President. You are obviously a Marxist, silly rabbit.

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