Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Suffer not the little children

I am laughing my ass off! All the haranging about "Oh we must protect the children. What about the children that are being denied." Now it turns out their law doesn't even cover those children. It's sort of like putting a silk dress on a sow. The cover is pretty, but its still covered in pig shit underneath.

Nobody is even talking about the education piece that was attached to this bill. Sallie Mae is effectively out of business with this law. The governement is now the only one who can give your child a loan to go to college. That means that they pick who gets the loans, how much they are for, and what schools they can go to. Think about that. Just think. Wonder how far behind the addition of an R or D on the application forms are. If your a D you can have as much as you want. An R gets a little and must attend a state sanctioned education (re-education) facility so we can work out all those nasty ambitions towards free will.

The dems are also now afraid to come home. They have received death threats and have had their offices attacked. I seriously doubt that this came from Tea Party groups. More likely it's their own fellow Democrats. They are either following their playbook of bullying people or they are trying to whip up a frenzy against the tea party. If they can convince law enforcement that the tea party is doing it, then they can stop them. Or so they think. They have truly pissed off a bunch of people. I hope they are afraid. I hope they are thinking about the Civil War that is brewing if they don't get their party under control. Keep pushing guys.

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