Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A letter to Mr. Bloomberg on Guns

Mr. Bloomberg, you obviously don't live anywhere near the real world. I know that you liberals hate weapons. (I think it's mainly because you are afraid someone will get tired of listening to your BS.) Guns have a very long tradition in our society. Look at it this way, that's 6000 people you won't have to cover on your healthcare bill. Oooo. That was cold wasn't it.

Here are the facts. Fact 1: you will start the next Civil War if you attempt to take away guns from the American people. Fact 2: You will lose said Civil War because you abhorr guns. Fact 3: If you take away guns from the gang bangers they will pick up pipes and beat each other to death with them. If you outlaw pipes, they will pick up rocks and beat each other to death with them. Will you outlaw rocks too?

Why don't you do something constructive for a change. Why don't you address the real cause of gang banging? Why don't you address the single parent homes and children born out of wedlock and with no father figure? If you solve the abandoned child issue, your gang bangers will go away. If you gang bangers go away, you have no more gun problem and I can continue to hunt my deer, quail and squirrels without worrying about an idiot like you taking my guns away.

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