Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Integrity? NOT!

So Stupak didn’t really care about the abortion issue. He just wanted to get the $700,000.00 plus dollars for his airports. That’s why he folded. Now there is integrity in action.
What’s on the agenda next? Why cap and tax of course. Because it will create jobs! Or will it be Amnesty for the illegals so they can try to keep their people in office. Maybe they will push forward the bill that allows Obama to be president if he is a foreign born citizen? Maybe he would show us his birth certificate then.
I have been arguing all day with the Liberals here in Central Missouri. These people really believe that you have a god given right to see a doctor. I am just flabbergasted. They are going to continue eating their government cheese and drinking their government koolaid spiced with zombinal and following these progressives. They flatly refuse to read anything other than CNN or the DNC approved news sources. They have thrown up the use of Hwy Funding as a source of socialism for god’s sake. I just shake my head. I don’t know how to deal with people that willingly strap the blinders on and say “Lead Me”

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