Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu, Natural or by design?

Well, I haven't written in a few days because I've been laid up with some kind of virus. They assure me that since I haven't been to Mexico that it can't be the swine flu. Although my whole family caught it within 48 hours of one another and we are all hacking our heads off.

Calling it the Swine Flu isn't exactly right, however. Not because Napolitano refuses to call it that either. She refuses to call it terrorism, choosing to call it a "Man Caused Disaster". What a load of bull. Swine flu isn't exactly right because this mutation contains avian, human and swine elements. I should have bought a lottery ticket. Do you know what the odds of that combination happening in nature are? About a bazillion to one. (AKA bigger than Obama's budget.LOL)

Call me paranoid, but it seems to me that someone has been playing with their chemistry set. How convenient that this appeared just south of our border. That the first case and first death occurred in a Mexican child who was "visiting" relatives. Wonder how long he was visiting for? That's too catty. I apologize, but I am tired of no one paying attention to illegal immigrants crossing the border. It would be very convenient for the Muslim Militants to drop this virus in a Mexican population whom was known to be crossing the border. They don't care about the Mexican people and they know it will cross into the US with all the illegal immigrants. Obama refuses to close our border as long as potential voters are crossing. Would serve him and us right if my paranoia pans out. Him for not listening and us for voting the idiot in.

Even if this turns out to be a natural event, what does this show the terrorists? How easy it would be to bring panic to the US? How quickly they could bring on the Armegeddon that they so desire? Somebody better start paying attention before Stephan King's "The Stand" becomes reality.

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