Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A letter to Mr. Bloomberg on Guns

Mr. Bloomberg, you obviously don't live anywhere near the real world. I know that you liberals hate weapons. (I think it's mainly because you are afraid someone will get tired of listening to your BS.) Guns have a very long tradition in our society. Look at it this way, that's 6000 people you won't have to cover on your healthcare bill. Oooo. That was cold wasn't it.

Here are the facts. Fact 1: you will start the next Civil War if you attempt to take away guns from the American people. Fact 2: You will lose said Civil War because you abhorr guns. Fact 3: If you take away guns from the gang bangers they will pick up pipes and beat each other to death with them. If you outlaw pipes, they will pick up rocks and beat each other to death with them. Will you outlaw rocks too?

Why don't you do something constructive for a change. Why don't you address the real cause of gang banging? Why don't you address the single parent homes and children born out of wedlock and with no father figure? If you solve the abandoned child issue, your gang bangers will go away. If you gang bangers go away, you have no more gun problem and I can continue to hunt my deer, quail and squirrels without worrying about an idiot like you taking my guns away.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tea Party is made up of Extremists?

Does anyone else see a frightening trend here? The folks in Detroit may have been religious fanatics and nutjobs, but do we know that for sure? Just because the mainstream media screams it top volume for a couple of days doesn't mean its the whole story. Today in an interview Obama said that the Tea Party was made up of "Birthers" and extremists who believe he is a socialist. Seems like anyone who opposes his view on how America should work is being marginalized. So what happens when you marginalize a majority of people? I think you are going to hit a tipping point that leads down a path none of us want. Nobody wants the police to be targets of death threats. Nobody wants to be the target of a death threat. This way lies dragons Mr. President.

What happens when it becomes illegal to "think" about something. After all, from what has been reported, these people never took any action to act on their rhetoric. They just "thought" about killing some cops. Not honorable, but not illegal either. Is it illegal for me to "think" about killing my boss when I get mad at him? Is it illegal to fantasize about killing an ex lover in the heat of passion? Who among us has not had a fleeting thought about killing someone? The answer to that is none of us. In fact, it is a trick they use on the polygraph tests. Everyone has "thought" about killing someone, but no one will admit to it. So they ask you that question to see what a lie response is. Tricksey interrogators.

If Obama wants to put the "Birther" controversy to rest, why doesn't he just show us his birth certificate? I had to go get mine recently. Cost me $25.00 and took 30 minutes. I'll send him the money if that is the problem. LOL. As for the socialist thing, well.... we don't think your socialist Mr. President. You are obviously a Marxist, silly rabbit.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wow. Now we have healthcare. Life must be good?

Since when did a prayer vigil become an act of terrorism. Russ Carnahan, our Congressman from St. Louis, where the dead get to vote three times, has asked for police protection because somebody scared him. They left a coffin on his sidewalk. Of course that was after the prayer vigil was staged to voice concerns about government funded abortion in the healthcare law. Carnahan is playing this up to grab attention and try to hurt the protestors. Nobody has threatened him. He voted for a bill that nobody wanted and he has hacked off alot of people, but nobody is taking pot shots at him. This is just the typical lib play book. If the ball misses you, fall down and holler "OWWW" as loud as you can. See if they'll give you the base anyway. (Sorry, it’s spring and baseball is in the air.) Grow up Dems. You voted for it, deal with the consequences, which is a ticked off public. Kiss your jobs goodbye.
From the WSJ, Verizon and Caterpillar both announced to employees today that they should expect to see a jump in the cost of their health insurance premiums very soon. They may also face a reduction of services. There is your first hand lesson in reality Libs. It's economics 101. When demand increases and supply remains the same, cost goes up. So now you watch, who's going to pay for this? The question is finally answered. Anybody making over 50,000 per year will be paying. So much for Obama’s promise about not taxing the middle class.
In other news, Michigan Congressman Dingell slipped up and said that Obamacare will control the people. Yeah, pretty much. Can’t blame the man for telling the truth. And he’s too old to care much about getting re-elected. House Majority Whip Clyburn is following Carnahan’s lead and saying that the Repbulicans and Tea Party members are terrorists and should be dealt with appropriately.
Keep pushing boys. Keep pushing. Your gonna find out what happens when the government gets too big for it’s britches.

What are you? Democrat? Republican? Or Redneck?

Yeah, it's an oldie but a goodie. I have received this in the mail several times and found it again on the Internet with an update that I had to include. Enjoy.

What are you? Democrat? Republican? Or Redneck?
Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner,
locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the
knife, and charges at you.

You are carrying a Colt Model 1911 45 cal. automatic pistol, and you are
an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you


Democrat's Answer
Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!

Does the man look poor or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
Could we run away?
What does my wife think?
What about the kids?
Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?
What does the law say about this situation?
Does the pistol have appropriate safety built into it?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?
Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me?
Should I call 9-1-1?
Why is this street so deserted?
We need to raise taxes, have paint and weed day and make this happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for few days and try to come to a consensus.
Republicans Answer
Redneck's Answer
Click.... (Sounds of reloading) BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!

Daughter: 'Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips
or Hollow Points?!'

Son: 'Can I shoot the next one?!'

Wife: 'You ain't taking that to the taxidermist!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Suffer not the little children

I am laughing my ass off! All the haranging about "Oh we must protect the children. What about the children that are being denied." Now it turns out their law doesn't even cover those children. It's sort of like putting a silk dress on a sow. The cover is pretty, but its still covered in pig shit underneath.

Nobody is even talking about the education piece that was attached to this bill. Sallie Mae is effectively out of business with this law. The governement is now the only one who can give your child a loan to go to college. That means that they pick who gets the loans, how much they are for, and what schools they can go to. Think about that. Just think. Wonder how far behind the addition of an R or D on the application forms are. If your a D you can have as much as you want. An R gets a little and must attend a state sanctioned education (re-education) facility so we can work out all those nasty ambitions towards free will.

The dems are also now afraid to come home. They have received death threats and have had their offices attacked. I seriously doubt that this came from Tea Party groups. More likely it's their own fellow Democrats. They are either following their playbook of bullying people or they are trying to whip up a frenzy against the tea party. If they can convince law enforcement that the tea party is doing it, then they can stop them. Or so they think. They have truly pissed off a bunch of people. I hope they are afraid. I hope they are thinking about the Civil War that is brewing if they don't get their party under control. Keep pushing guys.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Integrity? NOT!

So Stupak didn’t really care about the abortion issue. He just wanted to get the $700,000.00 plus dollars for his airports. That’s why he folded. Now there is integrity in action.
What’s on the agenda next? Why cap and tax of course. Because it will create jobs! Or will it be Amnesty for the illegals so they can try to keep their people in office. Maybe they will push forward the bill that allows Obama to be president if he is a foreign born citizen? Maybe he would show us his birth certificate then.
I have been arguing all day with the Liberals here in Central Missouri. These people really believe that you have a god given right to see a doctor. I am just flabbergasted. They are going to continue eating their government cheese and drinking their government koolaid spiced with zombinal and following these progressives. They flatly refuse to read anything other than CNN or the DNC approved news sources. They have thrown up the use of Hwy Funding as a source of socialism for god’s sake. I just shake my head. I don’t know how to deal with people that willingly strap the blinders on and say “Lead Me”

Monday, March 22, 2010

Liberals just don't get it

I have spent a big portion of the day on a local paper site "discussing" the legislation that was passed yesterday. The liberals just don't get it. They think that their insurance rates are going to stay the same. They really believe that they are going to be able to get in to see their doctor whenever they want to. Or that all the things that are covered now are going to be covered in the future. They don't think this legislation is going to fund abortions or exclude people with pre-existing conditions. And worst of all, they think the Presidents promise to sign and Executive Order will have any standing.

I urge anyone who reads this blog to download the text of the healthcare bill and read it. It's double spaced and won't even take that long. The contents of the bill are just frightening. They will have direct access to your checking account. They can force you to take out coverage. Pre-existing conditions can legally be charged at a rate of 3 to 1 for a premium (E.G. you pay $200 per month and I pay $600 per month) Smokers can be charged half of the premium rate again. (So now we are up to $900 per month.)

The insurance industry is doomed. All of the rates are going to go up dramatically. The quality of care is going to plummet. And some bureaucrat in Washington is going to decide if I live or die.

The worst travesty, however, is that the constitution has been shredded by this administration. There are currently 11 states filing law suits protesting this expansion of power. Many more are close behind. If ever there was a case for session, this is it. The next joyful thing that we will be presented with is Amnesty for the illegals. This will make sure the United Socialist Progressive Party (AKA the DNC) will get re-elected. Then we will be hit with Cap and Tax. That will finally bring the economy crashing down around us and give Obama the excuse he needs to institute martial law while he takes over. This is all such crap. Old glory is tattered and worn and tired of being tread upon. Let's bring back out the snake who says "Don't tread on me." Let's take our country back.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

America is doomed

I have watched the debate and the bs that has gone on all night. The Democratic party should now be renamed the United Socialist party. That poor fool Stupak. He really thinks that the Democratic party will keep their promises. I hope he switches sides after he learns the truth.

This may push us to the brink of civil war. I know that my husband and I are going to Texas is they secede. I wish to God that Missouri would.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Liberals and Catholics? How do the Co-Exist?

I have worked in state government for a long time. In Missouri the majority of the workers in State Government are Catholic. Being a Baptist, I have stepped on the toes of my co-workers several times simply by being ignorant of the Catholic faith. It is amazing to me how much of the Catholic faith is injected into our current Government by the workers. One thing that still confuses me though is this. How can such devout Catholics also be Democratic Liberals?

These devout Catholics support a party that wants to do away with religion and provide federal funds for abortions? I just don't understand how these folks can reconcile these two points of view. Maybe it's because I'm a Baptist and am still ignorant of the traditions. I've been around them a long time, but I don't know what drives this.

I applaude the folks like Stupak who are standing up for their beliefs that they cannot support a bill which provides federal funds for abortions. Good for them. I wish that more politicians were as honest as they are. That more of them could not be bought off with bull crap like the Louisiana Purchase and the Corn Husker Kickback. If they pass this bill tomorrow, I fear that it may be a pivotal point in our nations history. That long awaited moment may be nearing. The south may truly rise again, and tell this Yankee liberal exactly where he can put his thermometer.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Pelosi Prays? Oh my!

Nancy… What will your constituents say?! You’re praying? And to a Catholic Saint? Oh my. Garofolo will be so disappointed that you still have such primitive beliefs. Civilized people such as you should no longer need the archaic belief in religion.

I listened to her press conference. Every time I see her I think of the wicked witch of the west. (If only we could drop a house on her.) Her claims are so ridiculous. She said in her conference that they had gathered small children together to hear them speak about why this healthcare bill was so important to them. That they had children there as young as six weeks old. Tell me something Nancy, what did the six week old children tell you about the bill? Did they give you some more arm twisting tactics? Kids don’t give a damn! They want ice cream and to go play video games!

Now we have the leak that the only way they got the cost of the Obamacare plan down was to remove the doc fix, which is almost half a billion dollars. If they pass this monster you had all better start learning to speak Chinese, because they are going to own us.

Anyone with any experience in business knows that the first thing that will happen is the skyrocketing of health care costs. They may be forced to provide a diabetic like me with insurance, but the government hasn’t said how much they can charge. Last time I checked, private insurance on myself would run approximately $1500.00 per month. And that was with a one year exclusionary period for anything related to diabetes. So, you think that if they make them cover me I’m going to get a better deal? I anticipate private insurance for myself to go up to around $2500.00 per month.

We have already seen some of the fall out from this bill. My youngest son does not meet the height and weight requirements for health insurance. He is too tall and too heavy for a child his age according to their charts. The company we purchased his private insurance through (the reason for that is a whole different saga) decided they wanted out of the insurance game and they didn’t want to insure any high risk candidates. (Apparently being 5' 11" and 200lbs at 13 is a risk.) His rate jumped in January from 112$ per month to over 435$ per month. Needless to say we had to shop around and find new insurance. And that is with the bill just under consideration! What do you think it will do if this thing passes!!!! All of us will be paying the fine for not having health care. Or we will all be on medicare because we have lost everything we own because we got sick. This will only compound the problem, not fix it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Demon Pass - Pelosi's waterloo?

I am forever amazed at the lies that fall out of Robert Gibbs mouth. This man is so full of bull that he should have horns growing out of his head and tail for swatting reporters. I have been listening to the streaming press conference at the white house today.

He has adeptly side stepped answering any hard hitting questions regarding Obama and the Health Care bill. They still continue to paint the rosy picture that this bull crap is going to pass, even though the votes are not there. He patently denies that the president is twisting arms to wring votes out of the Democratic members. Amazing that all of the folks invited to a ceremony this morning were the ones that were on the fence or pat No votes on Health Care.

I do have one piece of advice for these idiots. Don’t use Deem and Pass (Demon Pass). If they attempt to use this crap to pass the bill while sidestepping accountability they will lose any credibility that they might have left. If they use this every Attorney General in the United States needs to immediately challenge it as the unconstitutional act that it is. Deem was never meant to be used for passing bills, only for passing amendments to bills that would still be voted on. We are inching closer to a point of no return every day with this president. I fear for my children and the nation because a civil war is in the wind.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Being brain dead prerequsite for Hollywood

When did it become a pre-requisite that you must be brain dead in order to be a movie star? Sean Penn has declared publicly that he wants jail time for any reports who criticize Hugo Chavez. He also wants his critics to die screaming with Rectal Cancer. So here is my question… WHY IS THIS GUY A MOVIE STAR!!!!??? If you go see one movie this guy makes, then shame on you. I personally think that Penn and Garafolo should get married and self implode on each other. I don’t understand how idiots like this can still get a job or a script somewhere. Of course, I don’t understand who would vote for Pelosi or Boxer either, but that does sort of explain things.
I have a great idea! Lets give Sean and Janine an all expense paid, one way ticket to go see their pal Hugo! Then revoke their damn passports!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Beck inspires bile and venom in libs

Glenn Beck recently visited a local city. The hate and bile spewed on the local paper comments and the local blogs was astounding. I cannot believe the liberals who claim to be "peace and love" types could come up with the vile things that were slung around. Insults against his manhood? Really? Do we need to sink that low?

Yes, Glenn is a talk show host and looks for ratings, but he does back his stuff up. In my experience, the only thing that garners such a violent reaction from the left is a hit that is too close to home for them. My advice to those folks is to broaden their horizons. Start listening to news sources other than CNN and Olberman, as well as Garofolo. Try looking at Drudge for a change.